A decent article, however, you ignored the best bits of evidence to support the claim of a US-backed revolution/coup (both are useable in this case). The NED's involvement and the State Department/USAIDs involvement since 1991. The NED were the primary financer of the Maidan revolution in 2014, they gave millions in 'grants' to the protesters, their founder (I believe) had already stated that the NED now does what the CIA used to do in the 70s. The State Department through USAID had given $5 billion to Ukraine since 1991 as of 2013, they essentially funded CSO's (Civil Society Organisations) in western/central Ukraine since 1991, creating the pro-Western Ukraine we see today in Western and to a lesser extent central Ukraine. I actually don't think that the phone call is a good example of the new Ukrainian government being handpicked for after the revolution/coup due to the timing of it, it was alleged to have taken place on the 25th January, the same day which Yanukovych had offered the Euromaidan opposition positions in the new government. Just my 2 cents.

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I also write about NED in this article:

"The CIA Has “Georgia On Its Mind”"


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I cover the NED activities in other articles, such as this:

"The CIA and the Banderite Nazis"


An excerpt:

"1991: The National Endowment for Democracy takes over

After the fall of the Soviet Union and the establishment of an independent Ukraine, the CIA handed off its anti-Russian operations to its cut-out organisation, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). As observers and analysts know, NED is a “cut-out” of the CIA.

NED was founded in November 1983 by then-CIA director William Casey, who wanted to set up a public mechanism to support opposition groups, activist movements and media outlets in targeted countries and areas overseas."

Give it a read and let me know what you think ...

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