Thank you for this valuable information.

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And we should never forget the genocide committed by the USA in the Philippines


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Indeed, but I decided to confine myself just to those interventions since 1945 - otherwise there would be simply too much to write ...

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Perfectly understood and at my age (65) the list makes depressing reading when I recall most of them happening in real time and the frustration that it seemed no one could see the nefarious side of American foreign policy.

My favourite expression at the moment is never judge a people by their politicians because ( for some strange reason) they seem the exact opposite.

I just wish the American public would wake up to it :(

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I like ,” grow vegetables don’t elect them.

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I am of the same age, so I know what you are talking about.

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I think you mentioned the movie, Unacknowledged. Watched yesterday. Fascinating

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Been saying forever and shocked by the masses who missed it.https://williamblum.org/essays/read/overthrowing-other-peoples-governments-the-master-list

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Thank you

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You are welcome!

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The Money Empire has run amok and hopes to take down humanity with it!

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May 2Liked by EuroYankee

Thank you, this is something I have been telling people but not as in-depth as you. The U.S is 100% the biggest terrorist country on the globe, they have invaded and interfered for their own gain and they have been doing this with NATO and now AUKUS piller 2. The west needs to wake up, the U.S's destabilisation and aggression doesn't just have a negative effect on those who they target but the rest of us also

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May 2Liked by EuroYankee

This is a brilliant and invaluable survey you have gathered on how our superpower works its destruction in the world under the pretense of spreading democracy and freedom! Your piece here should be shared to travel widely at this moment of truth revelations. Thank you.

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How do you solve a problem like America?

It's very simple to solve if you wanted to.

Close all the military bases, bring all the troops home.

Close the CIA.

Close the "Diplomatic Immunity" loophole and voila.

Peace at last and politicians we can lock up when they turn mental.

And I just saw a flying pig.

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To which I would add: no dual citizenship. AIPAC registered as a foreign agent. NGOs banned. All of them.

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May 3Liked by EuroYankee

Thanks for his historic dehumanization and wreaking havoc to the World by the stripes and stars of injustice.

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Amazing work. To which I will add the invasion of the Southern states in 1861. Oh but that was to free the slaves! No it wasn’t. That was merely the moral hysteria used to cloak it. The goal was to make the Federal government all powerful and ensure a steady flow of money to the treasury. Freedmen and former Confederates became serfs through the sharecropper system, wages and the company store. The GOP of course invented racial divide and conquer during reconstruction. “Freedom,” American style.

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It's good that someone is keeping score. These events are forgotten by too many people and often unknown to many more.

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