Extraordinary article! By its clarity, comprehensiveness, objectivity and didactic quality. Essential for understanding the Palestinian drama,and the blindness of Western opinion which fundamentally, unhonestly adheres to the myths and lies that are the founding pillars of the Zionist entity.

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Jul 24
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"they fundamentally see arabs/muslims as subhumans and cannot physically empathize with them"

You mean Israel, right? The Western backers of Israel do not see arabs/muslims as subhuman, just insignificant. The Western governments supporting and enabling Israel do so for purely economic/financial/political reasons. If Israel started killing white Christians the Western powers would still support Israel, because going against Israel means you are committing political suicide.

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Jul 24Edited
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Have you read my other articles on Israel, and the US relationship with Israel? First was this one:

"Has Israel Lost its Right to Exist?"


In it, I explain the 80 year campaign of Hasbara that has shaped American perspectives on Israel-Palestine.

There are others:

"Israel was Built on Myth, and Now it’s Busted"


"Israel, America and the “Unbreakable Bond” that Threatens the World"


"Please Stop Saying Israel Is an “Ally” of the United States — It Is Not."


"Israel and the US : A “Master Blaster” in the Global Thunderdome"


These articles explain how the "Israel Lobby" controls both "wings" of the American Uniparty. The situation in the UK is similar. People in the US and UK have no non-genocidal option, unless you vote - like I am - for the Green Party, which is expected to only get 3-4% of the vote.

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The fact is, whereas a large contingent of Americans do not support Israel, there is a huge cohort of 30 million+ Christian Zionists who are racist and actively support the slaughter of Arabs so that the Israelites can return to the Holy Land and trigger the "Second Coming" of Jesus Christ, when the true believers will be raptured up to heaven and all the non-believers (Jews included) will die.

I wrote about this as well:

"Why 9 in 10 American Zionists Are Actually Christians"


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The Arabs are right to think that Western people are NOT represented by their governments. You see this, for example, in Palestine/Gaza, but also in Ukraine. The Western people want peace and an end to the war; their governments want escalation to WWIII.

I covered this in part by my article:

"How the West Descended Into Idiocy"


Also, as far as the US is concerned, we are not democratic at all , The US is an oligarchy and what the people actually want NEVER comes to pass.

This article explains:


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We are talking about a wilful blindness, which results from the use of totally airtight and unmovable blinders. Moreover, the understanding or misunderstanding occurs following exchanges, a dialogue, which never occurred between the two protagonists. And this, for the good reason that since its inception, the Zionist colonial project envisaged, in the long run, the extinction of the Palestinian «problem» by the disappearance, in one way or another, of the Arab population of Palestine, a wish expressed clearly by the founding fathers of this entity...

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Thank you!!

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Thank you, well said.

The demonisation of ordinary people just for being arab or persian has been intense this last 30 years.

Along with the refusal to ever speak of culture or history or achievements or education in those worlds.

And the constant pretence that how the western world treats women is less sexist, rather than what it is - differently sexist, but equally sexist, the common denominator being men.

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Well said: there are some really sick values being peddled and that must be exposed and shamed, in order for progress to be made, to get back to everyone living in peace and harmony.

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The CIA is a crime syndicate.

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To what extent AQ and ISIL are CIA assets is speculation. It’s plausible and it’s likely that the handlers don’t have total control over these assets. Clearly, making America like Israel—besieged and hated fits the “Cui Bono” scenario. Marionette dancers seldom move themselves, but their strings get tangled!

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Certainly the genesis and mission profiles of "ISIS-K" make that offshoot an almost 100% certain CIA creation. They were created as a Central Asian GLADIO - a "stay behind" army to harass and attack China and Russia in that region. And that is exactly what they are doing.

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In agreement of the rights of anyone palestinian to resist.

However I disagree with the very small stroturfing of no criticism of Hamas. The knowledge that the Western spy angecies created AK and IS, along with the white helmets in Syria, many around Syria, and BokoH, and many more.

Why haven't you suspected that theyve infiltrated the Palestinian Jihads too? They often brag that they have. They tell on themselves.

The evidence has been overwhelming over the years. Whether or not to criticize isn't really the issue at all, because if the enemy is winning at information warefare, then you need to try to understand it. I don't even think that's criticism, but rather an actual strategic analysis.

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Astroturf* sorry. Typo

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Given the recently signed (23 July) "Beijing Declaration" in which ALL 14 Palestinian factions signed a pact of cooperation and agreed to work together for a Palestinian state under the PA, I think we can say that whatever influence the US and Israel have over Hamas and the others is ebbing at the very least. Wang Yi and the Chinese are wiley enough to suss out what the US and its allies are up to - they are expert at sniffing out CIA cut-outs. They would not have brokered this deal if the Palestinian factions were all corrupted/infiltrated/bent.


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I agree. Hopefully things improve. No matter what after the Knesset vote and Hamas demands that Fatah dissolve, China stepped in. Whether or not CIA - cut-outs are visible from that end, only China would know.

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Israel is not built on any myth no matter how many its imperial masters present now. It was created and maintained on purpose to serve the British and US hegemonic interests in the global South.

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I would have to object to the idea that Israel was built to serve the US and UK - in fact I would argue the opposite is true: Israel was created to provide an articulation of globalist hegemony in taking over from thje porevious British and American Empires.

Look at how many Brits had to die in order to create the state of Israel:

"“Rewarding Terrorism” in 1948 — How Zionists Used Terror to Get a State"


Hundreds of Brits were slaughtered - simple soldiers to high ranking officials. The Zionists even blew up the British Embassy in Rome, Italy and the British Army HQ in Vienna, Austria. The Zionists literally used terrorism to bend the British to their will.

Look at the USS Liberty - see what the US did when Israel knowingly tried to sink a US Navy vessel (hint: nothing).

In short, I think you have the power dynamic backward. It is Israel who is in the driver's seat:

"Israel and the US : A “Master Blaster” in the Global Thunderdome"


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Thank you. This topic isn't as widely known or written-about as the falsehoods about the birth of Israel vis-a-vis Palestine. Eternally grateful for putting it all down in one clear, succinct post!

Am just frustrated with the ignorance of so many among my fellow Catholics who still believe today that the Muslims/Islam are our real enemies, and Israel is "the good guy". (They were - in the past - like 500+ years ago. But who's really the one destroying countries and going on a murderous rampage across the ME - ISR and US, its rich and powerful sugar daddy.)

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