Thanks for this enlightening article. I was alive in the 90s too, but way too busy raising kids and trying to keep bread on the table to realize how deadly neoliberalism was. It's obvious to me now. It's time we in the West threw these oligarchs in jail like Putin has done. Bravo for him and the Russian people!

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i’m just thinking, what about the tight to protest against policy that people don't agree with? Like anti-LGBT laws?

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Is that a thing in Russia?

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Those articles talk about the Russian supreme court designating the "international LGBT movement" an extremist group. I think this is because they sense the same NGOs that organise colour revolutions are behind that "movement". They want to really ban NED, USAID and Open Societies - all of which back the LGBTQ movement.

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Wanting LGBTQ people to be respected and to have the same rights as straight people is not the same as wanting to overthrow the government. There's no reason to have these homophobic laws.

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