Jun 14Liked by EuroYankee

Great article! Thanks for yr work. Can you kindly share the links for the other parts? Be well. Have a great day.

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I have updated the article with the links.

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The really strange thing about this cult is that anyone who has studied market economics, first has to have gone through the initial stage of understanding what are the conditions in which markets can actually function properly. And the first thing you learn is that those conditions don't exist in real life. So properly functioning markets can only exist within very limited confines, and at that enabled by strict regulation and ring fencing. Its limited tool not a tool for everything, And so there is no way you can actually achieve healthy and fair outcomes by running all activities in a country or even more than a fraction of them, on the basis of market economics.

So anyone who bleats all this neoliberal stuff ether does not understand it, or is deliberately spreading an idea with zero intellectual content in other words a blatant lie.

And this is carried around by their minion in the media endlessly. One big lie.

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The idea of a “free market” is just as utopian and unrealistic as “communism.” Human nature gets in the way.

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Jun 16Liked by EuroYankee

It's not a utopian idea. It's purely an abstraction and not really meant as any thing other than that. The economists who developed these theories themselves say it's an abstraction and can only exist in limited circumstances that are artificially enabled by strict regulation.

But people have come along and created some sort of cult pretending that this thing can exist and at that without regulation. Its intellectual bankruptcy.

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Yeah. I was more referring to the cult than the abstraction.

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Jun 14Liked by EuroYankee

"Margaret Thatcher, who was in many ways the Mother of N̶e̶o̶l̶i̶b̶e̶r̶a̶l̶i̶s̶m̶ all evil."

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Photo: two confirmed pedophile freemasons of the anglo-amero establishment.

Did you need a different label to pretend the USA isn't the 🎵 🎶

…land of the [greed]

and the home of [depraved]! 🎵 🎶

Oh don't forget that bro Blair and bro Bush conspired together.

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Good summary. And I can vouch for its accuracy, having worked in and observed the doings of Wall St for many years. Friedman, et al are poison. Why anyone thinks that bullshit is “conservative” is a mystery to me, but the GOP is retarded.

I could never embrace socialism, due to what the Bolsheviks did to Russia, but at this point I feel like I have more in common with (old school) socialists and democrats (the ones that actually gave a shit about working people) than the GOP scum.

And all the race crap is a distraction. Black people and white people have both been screwed by the Power. This started in 1865, when the GOP used vicious divide and conquer tactics to plunder the South. Then when they were done, threw the freedmen to the ditch.

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We totally agree. The BLM movement was embraced by Corporate America as a way to distract from unionisation efforts and the push to raise the minimum wage.

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Not to mention Occupy Wall Street. Which had a valid point.

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