I agree completely.

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Here’s the problem with “single issue” thinking. This isn’t a single issue world and the presidency isn’t single issue job like dog catcher or something.

Trump is not a peace president. He is also a warmonger.

Where the Sullivan-Blinken-Nuland axis behind the Biden-Harris facade want war with Russia and China…….Trump wants war with “Chyna” as he calls it and Iran too.

Guess what happens then? The U.S. is instantly at war with Iran, China and Russia too. Because none of them can afford to see the other fall - they know the U.S. would take them out next.

People will need to reject both the GOP and the Dems in order to stop the war madness.

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Sep 7·edited Sep 7Author

Sorry, I am not buying this "Trump is a warmonger, too" argument. It simply is not supported by the facts. Trump DID draw down US troops in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Syria and he removed practically ALL the US troops in Somalia.

"Trump orders a near total withdrawal of US troops from Somalia"


That order was subsequently REVERSED BY BIDEN:

"Somalia: President Biden reverses Trump's withdrawal of US troops"


And if Trump really wanted to go to war with Iran, he would have retaliated when Iran shot down a US drone in 2019. That move caused jubilation among the warmongering neocons, who thought that they could now force Trump to attack Iran. The airstrikes were scheduled, ships were in place, planes were in the air, and Trump "abruptly" called off the strike, causing consternation among the bloodthirsty neocons. Trump had resisted.

"Strikes on Iran Approved by Trump, Then Abruptly Pulled Back"


Trump went to high school at the New York Military Academy (NYMA), a feeder school for West Point. Many of his friends there ended up in Vietnam. Many were killed. He is personally very squeamish about casualties and feels uncomfortable about losing military lives. He hated having to sign KIA letters for fallen soldiers, according to aides and a book by Maggie Haberman.


"Trump cared about fulfilling a campaign promise, but aides were struck that he seemed rattled by the number of deaths involved; over time, he came to resent every 'Killed in Action' letter he was forced to sign after a service member died"

His personal attitude towards war and casualties is thus very different from those of the neocons like Obama and Biden, for whom death was just a necessary consequence of maintaining global hegemony.

This put him at odds with the neocons and the MIC. He told a convention of conservatives in 2019:

"I'm not saying the military's in love with me. The soldiers are," he told reporters. "The top people in the Pentagon probably aren’t because they want to do nothing but fight wars so all of those wonderful companies that make the bombs and make the planes and make everything else stay happy."


Be careful in what you read into Trump's rhetoric. Most of his bellicose bloviating is simply positioning for negotiations, Remember North Korea? "Rocket Man"? If you listened to Trump's words, you would have thought war was around the corner. Instead, Trump mounted a valiant effort at negotiations and peace (which were of course sabotaged by Bolton and Pompeo).

They said "only Nixon could go to China". I think Trump follows that same logic. When he talks tough on Iran or China, it is to inoculate him from criticism when he eventually "does a deal"

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Trump tried to start a war with Iran by assassinating an Iranian general. Because Trump is literally owned by Zionist warmongers.

Trump making deals with North Korea not helpful when he was still ramping up hatred with China. U.S. and China at war means U.S. is at war with Russia and Iran and Nork Korea.

Same difference. Ends up at WW III.

If you are looking for a peacemaker. It’s not Trump.

No - grown adults re not allowed the latitude of ropey “analysis” that would be disappointing from an 18 year old college freshman.

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You have a very primitive understanding of how things work. After the assassination of Suleimani, Iran fired missiles at 2 US military facilities. Trump did not retaliate. WWIII averted. This is called "proportionate response".

Phrases like "ramping up hatred with China" are puerile and unsophisticated - not to mention incredibly vague. Does Trump rail against China? Yes. So does virtually every other politician in Washington.

Look, the US is not going to go to war with China - not least because China dominates the US in defense and "AUKUS-relevant" technologies, including a monopolistic position in 6 out of 10 technologies. The US relies on China for critical technologies in almost every sector, not to mention the fact that China still holds a tremendous anmount of US debt. The "anti-China rhetoric" is just that - rhetoric for domestic consumption. No one is going to war over Taiwan. Trump is bloviating so no one can accuse him of being "soft on China" when he goes to do a deal.

Trump is, for better or worse, the closest thing to a "peacemaker" that the US has produced in 40 years. Prove me wrong.

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You are not analysing at alll. Just making up a narrative.

Assassinating the General of a foreign army is an act of war. Fact.

That the Iranians afterwards showed restraint is simply good fortune.

Unilaterally withdrawing from a nuclear pact that everyone including the Europeans agreed was a much needed and well functioning peace treaty… that’s also needless warmongering.

If China is so imposing as you say it is, ramping up hatred and stating economic warfare aka sanctions and tariffs….is not peacemaking.

Last but not least Trump didn’t turn swords into ploughs and send the saving to the people. No. Instead in this time he set unprecedented new records for US military budgets, while cutting services to the people and cutting taxes for the ultrarich.

I have no support for Kamala Harris whatsoever. But to claim that Trump is a peacemaker not a warmonger is a big thinking fake news. And no one should tolerate gaslighting or false narratives. Because democracy isn’t possible under conditions where truth and a grip on facts is absent.

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So you got nothing. I say Trump is the greatest peacemaker, or at least the least bellicose, POTUS in 40 years. You have not given me anything even resembling a counterargument.

Shooting down an American drone is also not a friendly act. The Iranians knew Trump held off. Now tell me that "just showed weakness". I dare you.

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Mate, if you don’t understand what it means to to spend records amounts on warfare and assassinate a foreign general and withdraw from a peace pact with that country, I don’t think you have any business analysing international politics.

The U.S. Military generals also had to step in and have direct military to military talks with the Chinese PLA and assure them they did not need to let off their nukes. Because that’s the impression Trump was giving them.

Trump is no peacemaker. Anyone who believes hes not going to fight Russia also has no, as he’ll end up at war with Russia anyway via attacking their key allies.

Sorry but this level of discussion low intelligence stuff. I got no time for this

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Whether or not one agrees with his conclusions, it is hard to argue with EuroYankee's historic observations. The two issues in this year's election, which make all others fade into insignificance, are war mongering and the worsening environment. Promoting endless war is not green policy , except perhaps within the confines of the German Green Party.

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The German Green Party is a joke. They are the most bellicose. bloodthirsty and recklessly aggressive party in Germany - if not Europe. And yes, Baerbock is the "dumbest FM in Europe". I wrote about these idiots in this article:

"German Warmongers Are Going to Kill Us All"


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Sep 8Liked by EuroYankee

This is a compelling argument, and one I have been thinking a lot about. However, Trump escalated the war with Russia (trying to get around the ‘Trump loves Putin’ bullshit?)

The fact that Cheney and Kristal and the rest of those motherfucking batshit evil assholes endorsed Kamala is also an argument.

At the end of the day, I cannot vote for anyone who supports Israel’s genocide. But I am beginning to hope Trump wins - because at least the liberals will oppose him at every turn, rather than continuing to cheerlead armageddon.

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