“…First, I wish to address the fact that a large part of the animus that many people have toward Trump is a result of a ruthless and relentless propaganda campaign that was launched by the Hillary Clinton campaign with the help of UK and US intel agencies and supported by the DNC and its minions in the mainstream media...”

Well no.

A great deal of our responsibilities as adults is to hold simultaneous thoughts in our heads at the same time.

Do the deep state have it in for Donald? Have the deep state infested media turned on him? Yes.


Donald Trump is a man with a long track record of boldly odious, deliberately polarizing behaviour and utterances.

He generates his own hatred. By his own hand. By his own intent. From real people. And lots of it. He loves to cultivate very public enemity. He baits it, and he relishes it.

He always has. It’s his way of being. Nothing new. At all.

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So you would assert that all those people who watched "The Apprentice" for 15 years were all hate watching?

That his appearances in movies such as "Home Alone" portrayed him as some sort of evil villain?

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Half the problem with Americans is you all seem to mistake what’s in a to screen for real life.

It’s not.

Donald J Trump is a real life man over 70 years old. He has been a business figure and a public figure in New York for many decades then on the national scene.

In all that time he has been flamboyant, arrogant, self centred and greedy beyond belief. He baits people, he embraces hate and hateful people including neonazis. He led a campaign to put 5 African American teenagers in prison for a crime they didn’t even commit. He had political officials and bureaucrats in New York on the take to ensure he got zoning to make him rich and tax breaks avoid paying taxes the city desperately needed. He constantly filed for tactical bankruptcy leaving many honest contactors in the lurch. Laying off people needlessly who weee on low income jobs. He’s dirty.

And that’s BEFORE he became president!.

All by his own hand.

To start claiming it’s the media who paints a false picture of him is laughable.

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Sep 3·edited Sep 3Author

I'm saying that yes, while he was a flamboyant rich New York asshole he was actually celebrated as such. He was a media mogul, a high society insider. Then he committed the awful crime of beating Hillary Clinton in 2016. He didn't change. That's my point. His arrogance, brutishness, narcissism and vulgarity were celebrated - until he won a race he was supposed to lose.

Yes, it is uniquely American. We have something called "professional wrestling" in which you have "heroes" and "heels". The heroes are always supposed to win, the heels lose. The Clintons had their "pied piper" strategy to ensure that the most gross, disgusting, unpleasant, racist, sexist asshole would get the GOP nomination. And it worked - Hillary, as the hero, had found her "heel" in Donald Trump.

But he was never supposed to win. And when the heel did win, it was as if the world had turned upside down; God was no longer in His heaven; all was NOT right with the world.

The media and the ruling class have never recovered.

You do know that Donald and Melania Trump were best friends with Bill and Hillary Clinton, right? that they went to each other's weddings? That their daughters are BFFs?

That it was Bill Clinton who convinced Trump to run for President in 2016, on a long personal phone call?


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No. Trump was a polarising figure in New York even. Many hated him. Go look at election result BTW. He, a long time public figure in New York didn’t even win NY state vs Hillary Clinton, who is actually from Illinois!! If I recall, he didn’t even win a majority of votes from her in NYC either.

A lot of you take what’s on screen as reality. And worse yet you believe headlines in newspapers that you surely know are PR mills.

Trump has for a long time generated hatred. Because he is an odious human being. He didn’t even win it himself. Even others have added to it he always had a lot of hatred.

The election with Hillary Clinton vs Trump was notable also for being the presidential election with the two candidates highest disapproval ratings of all time. He didn’t win in spite of Clinton. He won because of her - the Dems rigged the primaries and put in a candidate who was deeply hated.

IMO this is why Trump will win again. The Dems haven’t learned- they have once AGAIN rigged the nomination process and installed a plastic candidate who has no natural electoral base.

The difference however is that this time the deep state will make sure their candidate takes office, regardless of what the voters say.

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If you understand anything about American electoral politics you must understand that there is no way in Hell that a Republican could win in New York. Yes, Hillary became a Senator from New York even though she was not from New York - but that is normal. A New York Senate seat is viewed as the "property" of the Democratic Party, and Democrats regularly use a "safely Democratic" Senate seat as a springboard to a Presidential run. Such was the case with Hillary Clinton; such was also the case with Robert F. Kennedy (Sr.), who also served as a Senator from New York even though his family was (and still is) famously from Massachusetts.

Of course Trump was hated by many He was in many ways and for many people, "the man you love to hate". That is the purpose and role of the "heel" in wrestling.

This anecdote of how Trump appeared in the family film "Home Alone 2" is telling:

Director Chris Columbus told Business Insider : “Like most locations in New York City, you just pay a fee and you are allowed to shoot in that location. We approached The Plaza Hotel, which Trump owned at the time, because we wanted to shoot in the lobby. We couldn’t rebuild The Plaza on a soundstage.

“Trump said OK. We paid the fee, but he also said, ‘The only way you can use the Plaza is if I’m in the movie.' When we screened it for the first time the oddest thing happened: People cheered when Trump showed up on-screen. So I said to my editor, 'Leave him in the movie. It’s a moment for the audience.' But he did bully his way into the movie.”

That is Trump in a nutshell!!!

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Wrong, wrong, wrong.

Michael Bloomberg would have won New York State had he run as a GOP presidential candidate. Rudy Guliiani would have won NY state as a GOP presidential candidate. And before them D’Amato would most certainly have carried NY State had he been a presidential candidate.

Donald Trump however, did not. And his opponent was not even from New York.

This is the degree to which Trump is divisive. And that’s his real problem.

Luckily for him Hillary was even more divisive and Kamala Harris is not only divisive but an empty soulless shell. Which is the only think less appealing than divisive.

It’s not a coincidence that the deep state and their NGO cutouts that feed the media false narratives are ALREADY trotting out tall tales about Russian interference, Iranian interference and any excuse they can think of. Because Trunpnis about to do it again - so badly have the dems f-ed it up.

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I took out an annual subscription based on your excellent articles on Israel, and I was very happy with your support for Jill Stein, who is the only serious anti-Zionist candidate in the presidential campaign. So I'm massively disappointed that you've now decided to abandon her and throw your lot in with the arch-Zionist Donald Trump and the equally-arch-Zionist RFK Jr (although his Zionism only dates back little more than a year). Everything you say about Trump in this article (apart from the "assassination attempt", which was obviously a pantomime performance - if the Deep State wanted him dead, you could tell by him being dead already) is well-known to anyone who's being paying attention for the last few years, and you knew all that already, so using it as an excuse to switch your support to him is really poor. I hope you soon get back to your critique of Israel, and the Harris/Trump/Kennedy Uniparty's support for it.

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Firstly, thank you for your subscription and I am sorry that we disagree on this topic. Second, fear not: I have several anti-Israel exposés I am researching currently and will be out soon!

Third: I felt that the truth needed to be told, as I have many NYT-reading friends who still believe in Russiagate, and have not even heard of Durham and his commission's findings.

Finally, I disagree with you regarding the relative efficacy of the Deep State's assassination prowess. After all, they tried to kill Castro over 600 times over the decades - always failing.

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"so using it as an excuse to switch your support to him is really poor". Please understand: my reasons for switching to Trump (assuming that it is a close race in my state, otherwise I will still vote for Stein) was laid out in my previous post, "How RFK Jr. Made Me a Trumper". This post is aimed at a different audience, not the least of which are those NYT reading (and thus misinformed) friends I have mentioned.

My reasons for considering voting for Trump were threefold: (1) inclusion of RFK Jr. in his campaign and in his admin, especially on his Transition Team (because "personnel is policy") and my sincere - and now, thanks to RFK Jr., reinforced belief that Trump will make peace in Ukraine and head off the looming nuclear war with Russia; second, Trump's rejection of the neocons who sabotaged his first administration, and third, his willingness to take on the deep state, which has to be a personal thing for him now.

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