Great, fact-filled article on a critically important subject. Our police have been trained by a bunch of genocidal maniacs. That reason alone should be enough to throw out the Israeli training manuals.

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If you want to make your own citizens “THE ENEMY”, send your police to train in Israhell!

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May 17·edited May 25Liked by EuroYankee

"....Until now, the violent, Israeli-style over-policing in America had been carried out on communities of colour. With the current wave of campus protests, however, America’s elites are getting a taste of what American POC — and their Palestinian brothers and sisters — have been suffering for decades....The time has come to take back our police departments and “de-program” our cops back into American “peace officers” and not the jack-booted thugs enforcing a violent “occupation” on an oppressed people....."

Here I would question this concept of "our police departments"/"our cops".

They are not your cops and they exist purely as a militia ensuring that America's 0.1% feel comfortable. They are not public servants in the first place.

If they have largely been absuing what you call "POC", I would point to the fact that so-called whiteness is a mirage, a fabrication by means of which America has for centuries used as a currency to divide the masses and make those descended from European immigrants to feel better about not being in the 0.1% by saying or thinking quietly that they are still well off beings they are "not %&&gger" .

Well now Americans en masse are riding out that its still a plantation nation and the 0.1% stil says that if you stand with the %&&ggers, then well you are them too.

Nothing has changed in the world's biggest and most unreconciled plantation.nation.

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Bring on the Stormtroopers, training courtesy of the Fascist Apartheid Rogue State of Israel. If you don't support the Zionist Colonial Project, and Ethnic Cleansing, you're not a real Jew.

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Well Written! Although I would add there were a few other examples of some groups of people in a certain city on a certain day, some of whom authorities do say were linked to a certain organization.

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May 19Liked by EuroYankee

Fantastic article! One would hope there is some method of unbrainwashing US police and reinforcing the importance of our civil rights as written in our Constitution. If not, then we know who's the real "enemy" is from now on and it's not the protesters.

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May 20Liked by EuroYankee

The gradual unrelenting militarisation of the police across the ‘west’ looks like a preemptive measure to dissuade any type of insurrection, whether it be wholly justified or not. I reckon they have a fair idea of how ropeable the most of us are or will be when the mask falls off. ..

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Yes, I wrote about this in the following article:


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U.S. citizens have always been the enemy of the government. But the government wasn't always sure what to do about it. Now, after testing Israeli methods on college kids and seeing how indifferent most people were, they know exactly how to assault the rest of us into "peace" a.k.a. submission.

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