May 14Liked by EuroYankee

Yep. It’s a genocide. Simple as that. I hate it when people call it a war. Even Wikipedia calls it a “war”.

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May 14·edited May 14Author

Wikipedia is curated by CIA, MI6 and other Intel orgs. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2007-08-16/program-shows-cia-behind-wikipedia-entries/642224

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Are you shitting me?

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To be fair the biggest funder of Wikipedia is Google. And Google, well, its firmly an anchor stone in the spook empire of data gathering and disinformation dissemination...


"How the CIA made Google, Nafeez Ahmed, Published in Jan 22, 2015"


Lots more you should know about:


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Christ on a bike! Is there a safe server to use?

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Hamas calls it a war.

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From the Hamas charter:

26. Hamas rejects any attempt to undermine the resistance and its arms. It also affirms the right of our people to develop the means and mechanisms of resistance. Managing resistance, in terms of escalation or de-escalation, or in terms of diversifying the means and methods, is an integral part of the process of managing the conflict and should not be at the expense of the principle of resistance.

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"Hamas’s main mission directive on October 7 was to capture hostages and take them back to Gaza so they could be exchanged for some of the thousands of Palestinians," writes Gregor McIntosh, calmly describing the dillemata and helping think towards overcoming a cycle of violence without talking down the brutality of this cycle.

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"in a prison, you have people who have been convicted of a crime. The overwhelming majority of the people in Gaza have committed no “crime” other than having been born Palestinian." 📢🍉

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May 17Liked by EuroYankee

I wish they would stop calling it a war. It isn’t . It’s a Holocaust, and not a Jewish one.

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May 18·edited May 18Liked by EuroYankee

The issues pointed out in this post - that Israel had long illegally occupied Palestine and absued the people, and that those people have a human right to resist said occupation - is PRECISELY why the enablers of this mass murder in the west begin with their mantra: "Do you believe that Israel has the right to defend itself"?

Its a designed and coordinated red herring.

Israel does NOT have the right to occupy another people's land - at all. They don't want anyone thin think about that.

And if those people have a right to occupy themselves - then by international human rights conventions Hamas is not a "terrorist" group but the resistance of the occupied people.

So what we see here is one more example of how the west aims to wipe out international law, and the universally associated obligations and human rights - and replace it wth the law of "The White Man Is Always Right", which is what they mean by "Rules Based order". White man's rules.

This is just the tip of the iceberg: they have far more evil and mass enslavement planned. And people need to believe them when these things are said: https://theintercept.com/2024/02/10/erik-prince-off-leash-imperialism-colonialism/

As Maya Angelou once said: "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time,"

With that in mind, I would argue that this IS a war: it's a war declared by the zionist neocons of west to recolonise the rest of humanity: Asia, Africa, South America, Oceania - they want to own it ALL. Directly. And Europe too. That last part goes over the head of most Europeans masses: they are considered dispenable and they too will soon be prey and cannon fodder - just like the Ukrainians

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