An unelected, corrupt Von der Stooge in charge of doling out European taxpayers money to military profiteers. Hmmmm.



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My point exactly!!

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Such an under read substack - you need a mention on the Duran like Simplicus got!

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From your mouth to Alex Christoforou's ears! :-)

Or Alexander Mercouris :-)

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How do we stop these war mongers? The rest of the world wants and needs peace. Not more war, genocide and austerity at home.

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I am afraid they will have to be defeated on the battlefield. The money train is just too powerful, and it is rolling under full steam...

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Have you seen this BTW?

Högkvarteret – 12 juli 2024 kl: 18.00

Samarbete med nationalgardet i New York stärker Försvarsmakten

"....Den 12 juli undertecknades en avsiktsförklaring om samarbete mellan Sverige och den amerikanska delstaten New York. Samarbetet kommer i huvudsak att ske mellan Försvarsmakten och nationalgardet i New York, inom ramen för USA:s så kallade State Partnership Program (SPP)......"

Full text at


The Swedish military travelling to the US to train in exercises with, and synchronise methods with, the National Guard in New York State. Note he National Guards in the US are the units that implement martial law and in the event of crisis or major protests, are brought out to use military equipment to brutalise the local citizens. The civil rights protests in Ferguson, Missouri being one example:


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It's worse than you think. Those American instructors were themselves TRAINED BY THE IDF IN ISRAEL.

I wrote about this in my article:

Police Brutality “Made in Israel”


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Yep. The Europeans are sitting asleep while their mis-leaders slip their nations' own necks into the noose. Incredible...

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