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Jun 29Liked by EuroYankee

“..,,.. In response to Putin’s threat of using nukes, Poland — another Russophobic NATO member — has actually doubled down on escalation. They have asked Washington to house US nuclear weapons on Polish territory. The country’s regional authorities also announced that they have been working to establish supplies of potassium iodide tablets and distribution points for them in the case of a nuclear emergency…..”

The new step of allowing US to put nukes on several sites has also been done by several other member countries in NATO recently. And the thing with the iodine tablets Norway distributed these in schools a year or two ago right after allowing the U.S. to bring nukes.

So these countries have leaders that know this step of agreeing to be the one pointing nukes at Russia can result in them being targeted and hit by nukes - and their population annihilated. - and they still do it. Insane.

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