Aug 2Edited

One can, and should, blame the elites for this endless game of shoving empty shells into office.

But at some point we also need to come to terms that most of the electorate does not have a functioning brain, or at least are not willing to use the brains at all. You can tell them implausible easily debunked lies, and as long as you do it often enough on TV or on minstrel anti-social media they believe it. And this is why elections can be won by money: because most people are unfortunately mentally lazy sheep.

Candidates like Kamala Harris are just predators of sheep like those.

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She will be sworn in as President having not earned a single vote in a single primary, she will not have had to put forward a platform for how she will govern. Nobody will ask her any questions regarding her position on anything. Megan Thee Stallion will be her VP.

She will be sworn in at a time when WWIII will be going full blast, in the Middle East, in Ukraine, in Taiwan. She will cackle and speak some empty platitudes.

She is what humanity deserves.

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There is very high likelihood Trump wins.

But yes the fake left in the U.S. is now moving to the same tactic seen in the UK where most of their recent prime ministers were not actually elected. Just selected. But it’s not going to fly with Kameleon Harris.

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I am just getting started with her.

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Kamala has already secured the Presidency. She is “black” and a woman. She has built an overwhelming lead in the polls.

When it’s inevitable, all there is left to do is roll over and take it.

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I don't believe those polls for one minute. She is far from a sure thing. I still give Trump a 70/30 chance of winning, especially if they ever debate, or if Kamala simplay makes enough public appearances and "speeches".

Moreover, I think that black people will give Trump the winning edge (more about that later).

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I’d love to see that happen, but it’s clear that the fix is in. Every day her lead grows and grows.

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Those are just polls designed to provide plausibility when they steal the election.

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Being African background or having darker skin is NOT a plus in the U.S. It’s a hindrance to the person’s chances of anything in life , relative to any other ethnic group.

And African-Americans are a tiny minority in the U.S. Less than 10 percent of population by now. So it’s no big election base. Latinos don’t any more ally with African Americans as a voting bloc - that’s long ago gone. And last but not least Kamala Harris built her fame as a district attorney ie the government official selecting hapless brown skinned people to send to prison sentences. That’s not a benefit in an election if you want their votes.

Being a woman loses you the chances of winning a majority among “white male” voters. So that’s Ohio and Wisconsin and Florida gone for here.

She’s got no chance. Been very clear. That’s why they pulled this last-minute bait and switch as a desperate “Hail Mary” even though Biden was already senile 3 years ago.

Don’t let the propaganda media fool you with their blustering lies. She’s toast.

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I agree that, generally speaking, x"Being African background or having darker skin is NOT a plus in the U.S.", but it IS a plus in the woke leftist culture that dominates Corporate America and their water bearers in the Democrat party.

The people who will reject Kamala for being black and/or a woman are either voting for Trump or sitting home waiting for a REALHitler 2.0 to come along.

What Kamala does for Democrats is give them the cudgel they need to shame their own base into line.

Every election is all about turnout, and the Dems reckon that taking Khive national is going to get it done. I personally think they will fail, but that doesn't matter: when it comes to determining the election outcome, all that matrters is what the public can be mislead into believing.

In 2000 much was made of the Nader effect, although we now know that Nader had ZERO influence on the outcome of Florida, and in fact stole more votes from Bush than from Gore.

Same with every stolen election since then. In 2004, a clearly stolen election, the official story was that "terrorism and moral values" trumped "the economy and Iraq". In 2008 "Hope and Change" won the day. And now we are being told that Kamala's message of [insert phoney message here] will carry the day.

And the Dems and the MSM have now made it effectively illegal to question the outcome of an election. And if you persist, you will be denounced as a racist and/or a sexist. The Khive excels at that.

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It’s a myth that there is some “woke leftist culture” dominating corporate America.

Have you worked in corporate America? It’s as hardcore right wing as you can get. And the reason the country is so unequal is companies pay most people very little and companies rape the consumer. There is NO supposed woke leftist culture there

Those people don’t want her. And she has no natural constituency in America nationally.

If you point to Obama, you should understand that he properly went and built a cover story and a constituency among African Americans by playing role as a community organiser. He married a dark skinned African American women with major social connections in Chicago THEN and - only then - did he begin run for office.

On top of that Obama actually has a “white” mother and “white” family - blood proof - he could go to Iowa and trot out to rally support at election time. Kamala Harris is married to a guy whose people will vote for Trump. Contrast that.

Being a half Indian-half Jamaican married to a Zionist and having worked diligently to increase mass incarceration is NO formula for building a consistuency among the masses in America.

You are taking the 10,000 foot high skim the pages, cliche overview and this is how you miss what is going on. It’s the SAME MISTAKE that her billionaire backers are making. They don’t get it all - this woman is a total dud election wise.

The way this pans out is Trump wins this election by what the media will pretend is a surprise margin. And then the deep state will revive their legal battles, which of course they will lose in the Trump-stuffed legal system.

At that point, I’d say two scenarios you can look at at the fascist riots breaking out across Britain, and the recent film “Civil War”.

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“The people” do want her, her trajectory in the polls has been straight up ever since she announced.

It’s over.

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Excuse me, when I say "dominate" I mean that the woke culture is what Corporate America has adopted to fend off/suppress/destroy any substantive discussion of workers' rights and democracy/socialism.

DEI is what passes for concessions to Labour.

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Here are two successive paragraphs from an article about John Deere last month:

"The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) has awarded John Deere a 95/100 Corporate Equality Index (CEI) score, reflecting their compliance with LGBTQ-inclusive policies. While this may be celebrated in certain circles, it has alienated many conservative customers who feel that John Deere is abandoning the values that made it a beloved brand.

"Adding to the discontent, John Deere recently announced layoffs in the US, coupled with plans to shift significant segments of production to Mexico. This decision has exacerbated the sense of betrayal among American farmers, who see it as prioritizing cost-cutting over supporting American workers."

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You keep saying she will fail, but poll after poll after poll just shows her lead growing and growing. Stop lying to yourself. The belief she won’t win is pure wishful thinking at this point.

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You mean the mainstream media is lying again. Just like the polls showed Hillary Clinton leading, except well....no she wasn't leading. At all.

For you to pretend away that the mainstream media are now just minstrels who are incapable of truth telling, says a lot about your desperation.

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Yes, and Hillary Clinton really did have a 99% chance of winning in 2016.

"Survey finds Hillary Clinton has ‘more than 99% chance’ of winning election over Donald Trump"


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Hillary made the mistake of having a platform to run on, and openly supporting specific policies. That’s what ruined her.

Kamala is too smart for that. She will avoid politics altogether, mostly just hide in her basement, and be elected by unanimous acclimation.

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Not to mention she’s a blood thirsty war-mongering psycho who gives off creepy vibes.

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Is that song will be stuck in my head. Kama Kama Kama Kama Kama chameleon.That should be her campaign song.

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He comes, she goes

He comes, she gooooooes

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"Hollow at its core" pretty much says it all about Kamala Harris. It's why she doesn't give a sh*t about the suffering of innocents in Gaza. It's why she can sleep nights locking up innocent people and working class parents who can't afford to keep an eye on their truant kids. "Hollow at its core" describes the soul of the USA, too, if it thinks she's a better choice for the White House than Dr. Jill Stein.

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Remember Obama’s presidency! He deliberately bombed countries such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and so on. He also deliberately defended the Israeli apartheid, and liked him because he’s black? All these Zionists are the same!

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