Excellent article. Our "shared values" with Israel are definitely without any value to moral and compassionate people. The more Israel tries to link their 10/7 with the US 9/11, the more the smell of a false flag fills the air.

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Yes, I did not go too deeply into the narrative that asserts that Israel was behind - or at least had prior knowledge of - the 9/11 attacks, but there is a strong argument to be made when one looks at the "dancing Israelis" story. These were 5 Mossad agents who had traveled to New York to - as they said - "document the incident". They were arrested by the FBI but later released on special order from AG Ashcroft, and immediately went back to Israel. I believe there is a case to be made that both US and Israeli officials knew of the impending attack, and both governments decided to let the attacks go ahead so that they could pursue / realise their common geo-strategic goal of overthrowing Saddam Hussein. That would never have happened had it not been for 9/11.

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I'm beginning to see those connections too. I never really wanted to think our government would let its own citizens be killed in such a horrible manner just to start a convenient war for oil and overthrow Saddam Hussein...but the evidence is really leaning toward that conclusion. It makes me despise both the US and Israeli governments even more than I do after these past months.

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This post is a home run and gets you another subscriber.

A special thank you for pointing out where our police training comes from. I learned about that when I was training for the Navy Shore Patrol--they said they weren't going to train US like a damned occupying army and were highly critical of Israeli methods. The Navy folks also told me that the Israelis got the idea from the South African apartheid regime, and they were correct.

On the bright side, now most Americans see Israel for what it really is, and we don't like what we see.

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