Shocking pic of Nuland!

I don't think the deep state was behind the clearly set up attempt at Trump and his sore ear- if Blackstone/rock, big fossil fuel, animal ag and the arms industry(who fund and support climate crisis denying warmonger Trump) are behind the deep state.

It was set up to send a defiant message of an unbowed and unafraid Trump and the US to the rest of the world as it distances itself more and more from the idiots in Washington.

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Jul 20Liked by EuroYankee

The arms industry supports Trump. And Biden. And Obama. And Clinton's wife, and Clinton, and Bush the son, Bush the father. You name it.

That's nothing the part that has to do with deep state though.

The Deep state clearly does not back Trump. They came out en masse for Clinton's wife. And then for Biden's zombie show. Both constitute one wing of the US oligarchy that clearly the deep State threw in their lot with. Trump belongs to a different faction of the oligarchy, so it appears that he is being made an offer he cannot refuse.

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Bill Burr had a comedy sketch, in which he said that every President is taken to a screening room in which he is shown videos of the JFK assassination but from a completely different angle. At the end of the film, they stop the projector and ask: "any questions?"

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Rubbish. Trump is as much a part of the 'deep state' as anyone.

How come he is in the Presidential election?

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So you think they told the shooter "be sure to just graze his ear" knowing that from 150-500 yards away the shooter could pull it off? My God, that would be some seriously impossible shooting.

To me it is obvious that Trump moved his head AFTER the shot was fired. Had he not done so, he would have been killed.

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No the shooter didn’t graze his ear! And do we know the person behind him was shot by the shooter?

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Conspiracy theories are dumb and stupid

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Multiple decades at State doesn't yield the results expected from a spa. The evil that Victoria has seen and done is displayed on her countenance like a billboard for a horror film. As for Mr. Trump's injury, think professional wrestling, Vince McMahon could have hooked him up.

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JO. I think that you might be wrong here.

Please read the above message.

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Sorry, I do not understand.

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If the CiA and deep state wanted Trumpers dead; he'd be dead. There are many more efficient ways to kill a man without being found out than this elaborate JFKesque charade and the pretending to bungle an assassination attempt.

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It was all too close. Had Trump not turned his head at that precise moment, his head would have exploded. I don't think he made some deal with a shooter that included coming within a millimetre of his brain pan and also hitting and killing innocent bystanders behind him.

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Hia, I dont’ believe it. I think the cut on the ear was a blood bag or from nail scissors. I don’t think the bullet was anywhere near him. Why wasn't he more frightened? Trump would have no compunction about being in a plot to kill ‘innocent’ bystanders- he’s signed off on many a kill lists as President.

In fact they would only chose this method if they wanted people to link Trump to Kennedy (!) and to think it was the CIA and not a 'lone shooter'; which is what everyone has done. We know the propaganda by the effect it has.

The image of him fist pumping was worth the lives of many more little people.

The Deep State do not want him dead.and if they did- why would they use this ridiculous and risky public way of doing it?https://geopoliticaleconomy.substack.com/p/trump-threat-deep-state-war

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The CIA and Deep State wanted Castro dead for 50 years. He survived 638 assassination attempts.

You need to consider the possibility that the CIA and Deep State are a bunch of psychopathic fuck-ups and not some cinematic evil organisation like SMERSH or SPECTRE.

They are absolute SHIT at execution, but what they can do really well is control the media and establish a dominant narrative that cannot be questioned.

It is obvious that we are being fed another "lone gunman" scenario and to assert anything else will brand you a Conspiracy Theorist.

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From Caitlin Johnstone;

It’s not okay to be a grown adult in the year 2024 and still believe that Trump is an opponent of the establishment. He spent four years advancing longstanding agendas of the US intelligence cartel, the US military-industrial complex, and the worst war sluts in Washington. The man is pure swamp.

One annoying effect of the assassination attempt has been to cement Trump’s deification in the eyes of his cultists and permanently frame him as an enemy of the deep state, despite his having spent his entire term advancing longstanding CIA/neocon agendas right in front of them. Initiating the pouring of weapons into Ukraine, shredding nuclear treaties and ramping up cold war escalations against Russia, arresting Assange, killing the Iran deal and nearly starting a war there, vetoing attempts to save Yemen from US-backed genocide, openly trying to stage a coup in Venezuela while deliberately starving the people who live there, bombing and sanctioning Syria, escalating against China, supporting all kinds of Israeli murderousness and criminality — these were all longtime goals of the nastiest hawks in Washington and the secretive government agencies in Virginia. But Trump supporters live in some kind of parallel reality where none of that happened and he’s helping Americans take back their country from the deep state. ‘

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I do not believe that Trump is an opponent of the Deep State. He is in many ways the ultimate insider. He was friends with the Clintons and Epstein. He is, however, a loose canon and a horrible "face" to put on the American Empire, The Establishment wants an Obama: smooth talking, refined and seemingly fair-minded and mild mannered. That way no one suspects him of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

With Trump, however, everyone will expect such crimes. Trump is, in short, a very poor steward of the Empire. He is very polarising domestically, and he terrifies American allies abroad. Per Jimmy Dore: Trump said he was going to drain the swamp, and when he did, he found his cabinet at the bottom.

I cannot believe he did not know what he was getting with Bolton and Pompeo.

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On the other hand he does not appear to be ideologically committed to war. So for this election I think he is by far the saner choice. A gangster is preferable to a madman (or madwoman).

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Jul 22Liked by EuroYankee

It’s not okay to be grown adult and believe that the oligarchy is a monolithic bloc. Clue is in the term Oli-garchy.

Trump is part of the elite, the oligarchy. They are a kind of mafia running the country.

There are factions among them. Like any mafia.

They have battles, like any mafia.

Battles that get resolved mainly by agreeing on new ways of plundering the masses, at home and abroad.

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We are being fed the deep state did it.

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Someone was able to get the police and USSS to drop the ball massively. Also, people did see a person on top of that water tower, and audio forensics indicate multiple shooters. Probably triangulated fire like in Daley Plaza. Why not stick with what works?

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100% agree.

Deflection is the word.

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Jul 20Liked by EuroYankee

The deep state is and always has been ideological cadre, allied to megacapitalists with the same ideological delusions. It would be a mistake to ever overlook that. Because together they equal fascism.

And the U.S. has been visibly under fascist semi military rule in the post war era. Sometimes they rule directly eg Eisenhower, or spymaster Bush. Sometimes they use fronts like Obama, Biden or Bush the child.

Trump does not appear to be a front of theirs and this is the root of their conflict.

But….that does not equate to Trump being their nemesis. He’s a man willing to cut desls. And it’s obvious he will survive by giving them their their nihilistic war with China and Iran. Especially since he is owned by the mossad anyway.

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Agreed. Assassination attempt was useful as a way of sending Trump a message. "Play by our Rules-Based order or else. Our next targets are Iran and China and don't forget it!

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Trump is so a warmonger and a front for Blackrock/stone deep state https://geopoliticaleconomy.substack.com/p/trump-threat-deep-state-war

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Jul 22Liked by EuroYankee

Probably but his (Trump) election still buys a little time for us all. Because Ukraine could collapse quite quickly and then we have numerous neocons in the EU and US who are so delusional they could well pull the trigger on what would undoubtedly end up quite quickly as WWIII.

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22Liked by EuroYankee

No Trump does not make a difference to WW III.

Trump is completley controlled by the Israelis and he will fully support and help them with the US military participating in launching a full scale attack on Lebanon, Syria and Iran.

Which in the current situation, THAT brings Russia and then China into armed conflict with the US. And as we all know by now Israel is a shadow member of the warmonger group NATO, so all of Europe is involved.

That's WW III. Under Trump.

Different paths same tragedy.

Neither of these two clowns. Trump nor Kamala Harris, can be allowed in office and they need to be voted down by the electorate in a stand against the war machine.

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Yeah. Trump hates Ukraine because they made Biden rich and he was never able to get them to cooperate on an investigation into Biden. So he tried to pressure them by holding back a shipment, and the Democrats impeached him for it. And Trump, being the spiteful egomaniac that he is, will hold Ukraine personally responsible.

Same with NATO. Trump has no problem with their bellicosity or their corruption or their willingness to try to trap the US into a wider war. He is just pissed that the US is picking up too big a share of the tab.

And yes, Israel will be Trump's Donnybrook. I saw where they are already planning to expand the "Trump Heights" settlements in the Golan. Bibi is making Donald his bitch and it is so easy to do. Name a place "Trump", help him build his personal brand, and he will do whatever you want. Shees, what a moroon

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He's probably also compromised by Mossad, after his years of partying with Epstein. And he does whatever Israel wants. Totally in their pocket.

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Get it right. NOT Jews but Zionists.

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for saying jews?

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interesting. She married a blob and then morphed into one herself

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I was in the military and I have no idea what you are talking about.

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I suppose I was dealing more in Hollywood cliches but I was a G7 stationed in Darmstadt Germany (32nd AADCOM) for two years in the 80’s, so maybe my experience was different from yours.

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I actually think this is a brilliant editorial (with a few spelling mistakes).

How many of us have entered jobs and seen something 'not quite right.'

One can complain to the highest authority which has nothing to do with the BOSS.

The BOSS employs people who will not upset the status quo because he/she does not want to lose his/her permanence in the hierarchy of the local MacDonalds. These people who have managed to climb the ladder are in effect the BOSS (FOR) the MAGA bosses.

There is no answer to this.

People will automatically assume control (because the REAL BOSS) likes the way they do business.

What is the answer?

The only thing I can think of is: Everyone who works in Kentucky Fried Chicken has the same wage.

I am flying on my broomstick here but if people do not recognise this it is a failure and adds to the idea of the real bosses becoming the hierarchy?

The US system is filled with these sort of people who think they might get 'up the corporate ladder.'

ONE foot wrong and they are sacked.

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Thanks for the heads up on the spelling. I did find one word that was misspelled ("noit" instead of "not"). Were there others? Please note that I have a UK English spellchecker...

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Can't go through it all but: tempremental. or temperemental.

I am an English word person so these might not be the same as in America.

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OH dear.

Poor Amerika....what is to be done with a country that 'backs Genocide' expected to vote for 2 completely insane men and then invites a real BRUTAL/Psychopathic man called Netanyahu to speak to YOUR stupid Congress.

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