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Oct 28
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I am not writing about Jews. I am writing about Zionists, which have only existed since the mid 1800's.

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Baloney. This Zionist came to Israel in the 1200s.

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Nope. From "The Jewish Virtual Library "

"One of the most important aspects of modern Jewish life in Europe since the mid-nineteenth century was the development of a variety of Jewish national movements such as Zionists,"


From Wikipedia:

"As an organized nationalist movement, Zionism is generally considered to have been founded by Theodor Herzl in 1897."


You are referring to the age old ties to the Holy Land that is a part of Jewish life, and always has been. Zionism is very different. Zionism is the desire to create a Jewish ethno-state and it was born in the 19th century among other nationalist movements.

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So you can’t read the sign. Too bad.

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Maybe look up the Ramban. Just for the heck of it

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Wikipedia: "He is also considered to be an important figure in the re-establishment of the Jewish community in Jerusalem following its destruction by the Crusaders in 1099."

OK, good for him, he established a Jewish community. Nothing whatsoever to do with Zionism.How many "Jewish passports" did Ramban issue?

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Ok. Miss the point on purpose.

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He left Spain and went to Israel, then divided between Crusaders and Turks, because he wanted to help build up the Jewish community there. That is Zionism. The fact that it reemerged in the 1800s under an English name does not change the substance and reality.

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That is NOT Zionism. You really don't know what Zionism is. Firstly, it is a secular atheistic movement that is not based on Judaism but rather on the "Jewis

Ethnicity". Herzl, Ben Gurion et. al were all ATHEISTS.

I explain it in this series of articles`;

"Israel was Built on Myth, and Now it’s Busted"


"Israel Was Built on Myth, Part II: Modern Hebrew is a Made-Up Language"


"Israel is Built on Myth Part III: The False Story of "Islamic Terrorism""



"Yes, Zionism is Nazism. Here's Why."


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He obviously did not know English, which had not yet been invented. This was a century before Chaucer!

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Sep 18
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They are genetic /cultural inheritors of mental and emotional disorders. When enforced isolation becomes the norm as it has for FAR too many traditional cultures ?

It becomes a literal breeding ground and petrie dish for destructive and dysfunctional behavior.

It’s a common story, now writ large in the current world stage.

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There are many Jews who aren’t Zionists..

Activist groups include: Jews for Racial and Economic Justice, Jewish Voice for Peace

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An article about Jewish survivors of genocide who say never again for any group of people


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Amit Shoshanna

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Amit was attacked while in captivity - she was NOT attacked on October 7. And we should be wary of getting into a discussion about raping prisoners in detention - Israel will come out looking very poorly, since they have essentially legalised the raping of non-Jewish prisoners while in detention.


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So you admit your Hamas friends did do such things, you're just quibbling about *when* they happened? Not exactly making Palestine look better. And by the way, you might not know this, but it's pretty normal for the police not to release the names of rape victims in order to protect their privacy. Take a look at this example from Wiki:


But then again, respect for the dead probably doesn't mean much of anything to Palestine supporters. But it does to human beings.

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If you want to have a discussion about rapes occurring while in captivity, let's do a quick comparison, Israel versus Hamas, of prisoners raped while in detention. Are you up for it???


As far as I know rape is still condemned by Hamas leadership. For the Israelis, however, rape has LITERALLY BECOME OFFICIAL POLICY.


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Do you think what aboutism making Rapestine look better? It doesn’t.

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Do you think people in glass houses should throw stones?

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Look at you proving the point that zionists love to call their challengers sub human. Your buddies would be proud!

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If the subhuman shoe fits….

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You are literally falling into what this guy says about how hasbara works. Look, I get it. You want homeland. Obviously so do the Palestinians. You guys fight it out. I just don’t want to be involved. Is my desire for total neutrality anti-semitism?

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Why are you responding to my comment from more than a month ago just to tell me how much you don't care? Fuck off.

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No one is saying rape is okay. YOU are lying about a rape that zionists used to justify slaughter. Why are you doing that? What's your point? Hmmmm?

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Your boy is denying rape which is worse than justifying it. Happy New Year.

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Firstly, one cannot "deny" something that does not exist in the first place.

Secondly, who are you to make that moral ranking? It seems arbitrary and artificially constructed to serve an argument, which would indicate that you are without any moral thermometer whatsoever.

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You already admitted it existed, you’re just quibbling about when it happened. And if you really want to argue about denial or justification of rape is worse, then go ahead. That’s between you and the black hole that was your conscience. Happy New Year.

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Sigh. As I mentioned before: abuse of prisoners is something that happens in every society. The difference is in how that society addresses the rape, the abuse of power, the disgusting criminality that takes place when a jailer uses his advantage to rape a prisoner,

In every civilised country on Earth, such abuse, such disgusting rape, is CONDEMNED. But in Israel, those Zionist soldiers and jailers who rape their prisoners are ENCOURAGED. The rape of Palestinians is not only excused, it is PRAISED.

I submit to you as evidence the widely reported RIOTS and armed uprisings that took place in Israel to assure that the IDF soldiers who were on trial for RAPING their prisoners would not be found guilty or condemned to prison for their despicable deeds.


"Israeli lawmaker defends alleged rape of Hamas prisoner as far-right protesters rage over IDF troops' detention"


"Israeli protesters rally for ‘the right to rape’ prisoners"


"Why raping Palestinians is legitimate Israeli military practice"


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I thought you just said one can’t deny something that doesn’t exist. Are you now admitting it does exist?

By the way, when was the last tine a Palestinian was put on trial by his own government for raping an Israeli?

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All the anti-Zionist arguments, for our convenience all in one post. This must have taken a lot of work, and I for one greatly appreciate you for doing this.

I have only one small quibble, and it's about the future more than the past or present. Israel is nothing without American support, and that support is now destined to disappear because of Israel's actions. I can't say when it will, but I can say it is now as inevitable as the sunrise.

Starbucks and McDonalds are already reporting serious losses due to BDS. The Port of Eilat is empty, and that of Haifa nearly so. The Israeli economy is lurching to the brink of collapse, and that's with a pro-Zionist American government still propping it up.

Every post like this is another dagger thrust into the abomination of Zionism, and brings it one step closer to the dustbin of history.

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Indeed, while Zionism may live on as an ideology, the current incarnation of Israel is headed for destruction - either from without or from within. CJ Werelman did a good short video on the coming civil war in Israel. It's basically going to be between the socially liberal Israelis in Tel Aviv versus the bloodthirsty settlers in the West Bank.


I personally think that the civil war will be short and bloody, unless the IDF come in on the side of the liberals. Itamar Ben Gvir has been handing out M-16s like candy to the settlers with no controls, no background checks, and no restrictions. They are attacking the Palestinians in the West Bank with a literal vengeance, and the goal is plain: all Palestinians will have to leave Palestine or be killed.

I wrote about it here:

"How Israel’s Mizrahi Jews are “Making Israel Great Again”"


500,000+ Israelis have already left, another 1.5 million are getting ready to leave. Yoav Gallant says the IDF are exhausted and spent as a fighting force, but Bibi is insisting on his war wqith Hezbollah.

Let's just hope the Samson Option doesn't get invoked!

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I don’t know what the alternative is, but hope seems useless regarding the “Samson Option.” The Zionists are terrorists. Self-annihilation to further the terrorist’s cause is a fundamental reality. If they feel they are doomed, they will use their nuclear weapons. What is to be done?

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A thing you have to realize about the Samson Option: it is not just against Middle Eastern enemies the bombs would drop, but older enemies as well. If the Zionists thought they were going down they would hit Europe as well. Maybe even America if it appeared a lost cause.

At the end of the day, Israel’s leadership are the mass shooters of the world.

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You’ve seen this I take it? Sara N & son have just been visiting Trump …


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I've never heard of this movie, but I certainly knew about the relationship. Thanks!

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It’s essential viewing really. The lofty entitlement of that family defy belief.

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Thanks very much for this clear and helpful guide.

That picture of the Biden cabinet is particularly striking...

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You are welcome!

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Everything is clear! Israel, by essence, is a lie, a gross deception elaborated with malicious intentions, with the active complicity of a greedy and bellicose West. The student however, has surpassed the master and, henceforth dictates to the submissive West its servile conduct...

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Thanks for the essay. This is a troubling time to have a conscience. It amazes me how effective Zionist efforts have been at infecting such a wide swath of my society. The '"facts" that Israel is a beacon of civilization, KSA is an important ally, and Iran is a world-threatening entity with no legitimacy are, somehow, accepted as foundations upon which our society plans and invests our resources.

History will not be kind to these assumptions.

I look forward to reading more of your thoughts, Joe.

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You might find this interesting:

"How Israel’s Mizrahi Jews are “Making Israel Great Again”"


This post discusses the seeds of the coming civil war and societal meltdown in Israel.

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I'm afraid, due to my failing eyesight, l rely on sub-stackers to provide the audio/play feature. I thoroughly enjoyed your essay and look forward to "hearing" more from you. x

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Thank you!

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You are welcome!

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Similar to “there was no Palestine” line of argument of our dear Golda, she conveniently didn’t realize (or she knew very well but chose to ignore of course) that there was no such thing as Pakistan or Pakistanis either, neither Bangladeshi or Bangladesh. The fact that Zionists still use those same talking points tells us how intellectually lazy they are.

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Thanks, I will edit my post to include these examples.

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I think,like usa not hiding hypocrisy,they don’t care. The indoctrination has turned so many,what is one blatant lie

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Some still talking about Footy bee headed babies!!! That was literally debunked the first few hours. How stupid can they be to bring this up when it made them look like fools?

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The hasbara they spout is all the same. I do not engage the absurd whining but,as a writer, i am sure you have heard it all. Thank you for continued effort to keep this front and center

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There is no genocide,there are still plenty. When years ago i suggested genocide,they would come back with the birth rate. They also said,i should understand what genocide is.

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Well, the definition is clear enough in the Convention text. But apparently the hardest thing to prove is "intent". And that was actually absurdly easy in the case of Israel. You had Israeli officials from Herzog and Netanyahu to Yav Gallant, Ben Gvir and Smotrich making declarations of intent to carry out genocidal actions.

I mean, when the Israeli President says "there are no innocent Gazans" then the meaning is pretty clear ...

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They said it out loud and proud of it

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Well said! When they make this argument, Zionists also like to say that without intent, there is no way to distinguish the killing in Gaza from that in other wars.

This is also nonsense. Simply point out the combatant to civilian casualty ratio in conflicts such as the Iraq war compared to Gaza. Then, watch their bottom lip quiver as they accuse you of antisemitism.

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Excellent overview, with some valuable sources like the study on E.U. lobbying by Israeli interest groups. Definitely saving that one for future reference and further research.

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How about "there was a ceasefire on October 6" or "oh now you're whining about getting beaten in a war you started"? And kinda similar, "Arafat/PLO/Palestinians could have accepted the 2 state solution years ago but were dumb and missed the opportunity"

Thank you for the great responses, I'm saving this post!

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They murdered Yitzak Rabin and Arafat to make sure it would never happen, and send a message to those that still believed in a two state solution.

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Good, concise reply!

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Israel "started" the war with the Nakba in 1948.

There has not been a ceasefire in Gaza since 2005.

Operation Autumn Clouds was also launched in 2006. This operation killed almost 100 Palestinians and wounded almost 300. This was followed by Operation Hot Winter in March, 2008, which inflicted a similar number of casualties.

Operation Cast Lead in 2008-2009 was the first large-scale operation against Gaza. According to Amnesty International, some 1,400 Palestinians were killed, including some 300 children, and hundreds of other unarmed civilians, including more than 115 women and some 85 men aged over 50 during the 22-day Operation.

Operation Returning Echo and Operation Pillar of Defense were both launched in 2012, resulting in hundreds of Palestinians killed and over 1000 wounded.

Operation Protective Edge in 2014 was another large scale Israeli attack on Gaza, and one that resembles — albeit on a much smaller scale — the current operation. The 2014 campaign resulted in over 2,200 Palestinians killed, of which at least 65% were civilians (according to the UN). Like the current operation, important civilian structures and landmarks were targeted for destruction. The casualty numbers were shocking (at the time) and prompted many NGOs and others to wonder whether Israel was deliberately targeting civilians.

The Great March of Return

The 2019 attack on Gaza took place about one year after The Great March of Return. The mass demonstrations on Israel’s border with the Strip began on Land Day, in March 2018, and continued on a weekly basis until January, 2020.

According to Haaretz:

These ongoing confrontations, in protest of Israel’s siege of Gaza, exacted the lives of 215 demonstrators, while 7,996 were wounded by live ammunition, according to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

The Great March was a 100% peaceful protest, yet Israel used the event to exact punishment from the protesters. IDF snipers set up on the fence line and started shooting kneecaps. As one sniper told Haaretz:

“From the point of view of hits, I have the most. In my battalion they would say: ‘Look, here comes the killer.’ When I came back from the field, they would ask, ‘Well, how many today?’ You have to understand that before we showed up, knees were the hardest thing to rack up. There was a story about one sniper who had 11 knees all told, and people thought no one could outdo him. And then I brought in seven-eight knees in one day. Within a few hours, I almost broke his record.”

This cruel practice was designed to ensure that thousands of Palestinians would be handicapped for life. Years later, victims are still suffer4ing, according to a UN report.

This is all detailed in my article:

"Has Israel Lost its Right to Exist?"


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It's actually amazing to me they can still spout off these shitty arguments when we have so many facts to back up our side, and they have cutesy phrases like "fuck around and find out". Classy 🤦‍♀️

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And it's not just a few "bad apples" - fact is the vast majority are in favor of genocide, which is very important to realize.

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Netanyahu blocked a 2-state soliution:

"Benjamin Netanyahu Brags He's ‘Proud’ To Have Prevented A Palestinian State"


"Netanyahu's rejection of 2-state solution will be his undoing, says former justice minister "


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Thank you for these pointers to responding to Zionists common attacks methods. I have encountered many of these arguments by Zionists before and many sound very familiar. Especially the personal attacks usually profane, victimhood,& allegations that you are a “terrorist lover & Jew hater” Fortunately I have been able to navigate around them successfully in the past while not losing my arguments against Genocide & Apartheid but I have read many exchanges where the Zionist tactics were clearly getting under the respondents skin. Thank you for your direct and useful guide- it gave me some new arguments I was Not an are of.😊

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Now I need some tips to deal with the Islamophobia in online comments....I get so upset and I don't want to feed the trolls, but I don't want to leave that shit unanswered either.

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Sep 18
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I wrote about this:

"Israel is Built on Myth Part III: The False Story of "Islamic Terrorism""


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This article may help:

"Israel is Built on Myth Part III: The False Story of "Islamic Terrorism""


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Great article, thank you for writing it!

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I mean sure.. Or you could just quote scripture.

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Pretty effective. I had a troll attacking me around Christmas. They came up with something like “Jesus talked about Israel you know.” So I quoted him saying “Oh Jerusalem, murderess of prophets and those who are sent to her. How I’ve longed to gather you under my wind as a hen gathers her chicks, but you would not. Behold, your house will be left to you desolate.” Yeah, he mentioned them many times... Never got a reply after that.

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