Aug 25Liked by EuroYankee

Brilliantly said!

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You're out of your mind. Trump has only one goal and that is his personal self-glory, power, and profit. He will continue the genocide of the Palestinians. He's a corrupt, inveterate liar and a felon. Both of them are mentally deranged. I'm voting for Jill Stein here in safely blue California.

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Alas, I am in a state that might swing to Kamala, and so I have decided to once more do the "lesser evil" voting thing. Trump is to me the least worst option if only for his ending the wars.

And yes, he is a vain prick, but he loves the adoration from his fans and he will do whatever he can to earn and maintain their adoration. He is in his second term so he can do whatever the fuck he wants. He is not loyal to party and doesn't care about keeping the WH in 2028. He doesn't need the GOP. And face it: we have had a corrupt, inveterate liar in the WH for the past 4 years: Biden is the ultimate corrupt pol who can lie and lie and lie. I am a Bernie fan, remember? Remember how Biden LIED and LIED in the Primary debate? Sorry, I really hate the Democrats, and I need to vote strategically to deny them a W in my state.

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Fuck the “lesser evil”. Both are as evil as each other. Simple.

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It's not just the candidates themselves, Gregor. I know that the Dems want us all to focus on Trump, but what does Kamala bring? Joy? Freedom? WTF is that all about? No. If you have read my articles on Kamala you know she is a cipher, an empty vessel, and she will do what she is told. She is a creature of Obama and a protégé of Hillary Clinton. She is a puppet of the Deep State and the neocon Hillarites who have a personal vendetta against Putin and will not stop until we are at war with Russia. Trump, to his credit, had the temerity to ask, "wouldn't it be nice if we got along [with Russia]?"

Every time they say, "Trump admires Putin" I say hooray. Trump will talk to Putin. Harris will not.

You need to look beyond the candidates and think about what and who is behind them. On the Dem side, I see the Deep State, the MIC and the neocon ideologues who are hell bent on war with Russia. I truly believe that Trump will live up to his promise and end the war in Ukraine - not least because it is the pet project of those neocons who tried to have him assassinated. And yes, he is that vain and egoistic. But I don't care, as long as it keeps us out of nuclear Armageddon. I was living in Germany when Chernobyl went up; nuclear radiation is not fun.

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So you will 100% vote for Trump?

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Truth to tell, I may yet vote for Stein. But I will be paying attention much more to what Trump says and does between now and election day (I had been studiously ignoring both the GOP and the Dems until now).

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Aug 26·edited Aug 26Author

Sorry, I just cannot live with the idea of a bunch of virtue-signalling shitlibs who call Matt Taibbi a "so-called journalist" dragging us into a nuclear war with Russia. And that is where we are headed with Harris. You need to look beyond the candidates. Yes, Kamala may be all about "joy" and "freedom" but the neocon Hillarites who control her are hell-bent on destroying Putin at all costs.

I am sorry if you are a fan of the Democrats. I hate them, and I think they are now the party of war, of censorship, of totalitarianism. They want to be the world's policeman. They want perpetual American Global Hegemony and are willing to go to nuclear war to preserve it.

If the choice is American Hegemony defended by war or "America First", I'll take an "America First" agenda anytime.

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And Trump is anti-war? Think again.

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Trump's warmongering record https://geopoliticaleconomy.substack.com/p/trump-threat-deep-state-war

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"But in reality, he is a warmonger who appointed CIA officials and neocons to run his hawkish foreign policy." This is true, he appointed John Bolton and Mike Pompeo at the behest of his warmongering Zionist donors (like Sheldon Adelson). They blatantly sabotaged Trump and openly worked against him at every turn.

Bolton, who served as Trump's National Security Advisor, actually wrote a tell-all book and has been out telling everyone that Trump is a danger to America. "I don't think he's a conservative Republican. I'm not going to vote for him in November," the bloodthirsty warmongering Bolton told ABC News.


"If re-elected, Trump could leave the NATO security alliance, curb support to Ukraine despite Russia's 2022 invasion, embolden China to blockade Taiwan and generally pursue isolationism, Bolton warned."

When I read that, I grow hopeful. Anyone who can be that high on John Bolton's shit list just can't be all that bad.

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To this day, even after watching four years of evidence to the contrary, Trump supporters still believe he’s going to end the wars, drain the swamp, and take the fight to the Deep State..

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I would not say I am a Trump supporter, I just take a pragmatic view. If one candidate promises more and bigger wars, and one candidate promises to end them, which one do you choose?

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I would note that RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard are going to be on Trump's Transition Team. They will help pick the next people in Trump's Administration, and they are both anti-war.

"Personnel is policy".

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What do you think of Tulsi Gabbard? Has she also been duped?


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Yes, both RFK and Trump are rabid Zionazis and are pro-war with China (also with Russia but in a slightly different order of priority) and Trump is as establishment Blackrock/stone funded, anthropogenic climate change denying friend of the environment destroying big oil barons as they come.

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You are incorrect on Russia. Both Trump and RFK are on record saying they want to end the war in Ukraine and talk to Putin. Trump, as you may recall, was widely castigated and condemned by the Dems and the MSM for saying he wanted to "get along" with Russia. Or have you already memory-holed that whole "Russiagate" hoax?

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One the one hand I agree about the spooks intentionally flooding the Dems candidature, and I do recall that news analysis years ago on all the new Dems candidates with military backgrounds….but I think it’s naive or disingenuous to suggest they are not in the GOP too.

But unfortunately Trump is not in any way a “better” candidate than the Dems are fielding. He’s equally corrupt and of course will give the soooks and war machine their pound of flesh.

Note that Trump is keen on war with China and Iran, and that road leads to WW III with Russia on their team…….so it’s not any better than the Dems aiming for all three.

Neither Trump, the GOP nor the Dems give a fig about ordinary people and their well being not economic health, or medical health.

And last but not least the idea of Trump bring committed to a “Truth and reconciliation” commission is nothing short of laughable. He’s a man who could not tell the truth if his life depended on it.

If Kamala Harris is Ursula Von der leyen or Baerbock in disguise, well Trump is the American Berlusvoni.

Not fit for duty. Not better than Harris, just different flavour of unfit for the job. Just move on from this awful idea.

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Aug 26·edited Aug 26Author

When Trump was first elected, my Italian cousin Michela told me, "congratulations, now you have your own Berlusconi".

But here's the thing: she was a FAN of Silvio's. I myself benefitted under his rule - I paid 0 property taxes on my house in Italy. Berlusconi's departure cost me personally €4000/year.

And one thing I did not mention: at least Trump has ideas, like exempting tips from taxes. If Trump is so bad and/or stupid, why is Kamala stealing his ideas?

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Here is a better idea than “exempting tips from taxes”:

Passing laws that mandate a minimum wage that’s actually a living wage i.e. a human being can pay for housing, food, transportation and clothes and school for their kids when they go to work.

Tips are like throwing fish to seals in the aquarium. Nowhere in rich OECD do workers depend on tips. Except the Anglo countries USA and Britain.

Trump is a charlatan selling red herrings and lies. That Kamala Harris and the Dems say anything similar is the clue that they too are charlatans.

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Aug 26·edited Aug 26Author

I agree with you 100%. I have been living in Europe for decades and the tipping thing is a distant memory. I just leave 1-2 Euro if it was good service. The servers here all have a living wage and of course free healthcare and the rest.

I don't know if you read my piece on the DNC, but they are pretty much retreating on the minimum wage. You would have to go wayyy back to 2016 and Bernie to hear/read anything about a living wage - which shows you haw much the Dems have changed. In fact, the first person to propose a living wage was FDR himself:

From his "Second Bill of Rights" (1944):

"In our day these economic truths have become accepted as self-evident. We have accepted, so to speak, a second Bill of Rights under which a new basis of security and prosperity can be established for all—regardless of station, race, or creed.

"Among these are:

"The right to a useful and remunerative job in the industries or shops or farms or mines of the nation;

"The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation;

"The right of every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return which will give him and his family a decent living;

"The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination by monopolies at home or abroad;

"The right of every family to a decent home;

"The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health;

"The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment;

"The right to a good education."

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Indeed neither the GOP nor the Dems have any intention to ensure that workers get a living wage. That’s one reason why voting for either is a non starter. Wave slavery cannot be a basic for a political system.

That nonsense about no tax on tips is not a positive- it’s a backhanded insult to every working family that depends on the earnings of a parent or two parents in the service industry.

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"but I think it’s naive or disingenuous to suggest they are not in the GOP too." - can you name me any GOP Congress members who are ex-CIA or ex-Intel?

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Can I name you… ?

Be serious with yourself man. You are asking people to identity who is undercover spook? What do I look like - a leaker?

Did you know Bush was CIA before he showed up as head of the CIA? Did you know Petraus was CIA before suddenly he’s in charge of it.

What I’m telling you and anyone with a few functioning cells knows is obvious is that they infiltrate the entire political apparatus, home and abroad. The military apparatus. And the the diplomatic core. They have agents and they have assets. Everywhere.

And that’s blindingly obvious

I don’t question your intelligence in this case of such a simple thing. So I’m going to assume you wish to be disingenuous.

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I am not asking for undercover spooks. I am asking for a GOP version of Abigail Spanberger, or Elissa Slotkin, or Jeff Beals - in other words, a Congress member or candidate who has a stint at an intel agency as part of their public resume and an entry on their Wikipedia page - no secret shit, just a "bona fide" that they use to run for office: "vote for me, I'm ex-CIA".

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That’s not the issue. The GOP have countless political figures that tout a military background. No doubt some are spooks. But more importantly many figures and functionaries in the GOP are spooks. It’s how they work. Every organization of any importance has them. GOP, Dems whatever. And when they are called upon they serve.

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Aug 26·edited Aug 26Author

I am sorry if I was not clear. For the Democrats, they WANT to vote for a person who is ex-CIA, ex-NSA or ex-FBI. It's a PLUS in Democratic circles. I agree with you that there are operatives active in both parties and at every level and in every branch of the USG. My point is that Dems - or leftists, anyway - used to have a healthy suspicion of those spy agencies, and now they literally CHEER for them!

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Aug 26·edited Aug 27Author

"Did you know Bush was CIA before he showed up as head of the CIA?" OF COURSE! He went to Yale, which is the major recruiting school for CIA. The Bushes were also one of the founding families of New Haven (I was born and raised in CT). I believe a Bush was also a founding member of Skull & Bones.

Did you know Poppy Bush was in Dallas on November 22, 1963? Yet, when asked where he was when Kennedy was shot, George H.W. Bush answered that "he did not recall".


BTW Alexei Navalny also studied at Yale before he went back to "fight for democracy" in Russia.

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What is your opinion of Tulsi Gabbard? And her endorsement of Trump? Has she also been duped by Trump into thinking he will end the wars?

For me it's sort of a vindication. She, like me, was a huge fan of Bernie Sanders, and now she's on the Trump wagon.


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Aug 27·edited Aug 27

Tulsi Gabbard is a spook sent out into the civilian world. Says she is anti war but seems to be pro spending money on military.

She has successfully infiltrated two parties, so far, and accomplished no legislative career of any import.

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Yeah, to me she is a mixed bag as well. I will always give her high marks for doing the right thing by Bernie in 2016, but it seems she is quixotic and mercurial. Nonetheless, an active duty Lt. Colonel deserves some sort of props. But her railing against "radical Islam" gives me pause. To put it mildly.

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She killed people for the world's biggest commercial killing machine. Wow. Amazing.

A good pre-school teacher delivers more value to her community and to the world: documented to raise kids that perform better in school and work and are better adjusted human beings.

But I have never seen pre-school teachers get "props", or get a song in their honour at the ball game, not even the local high school ball game, never mind the pro leagues. Not school teacher, nor nurses. Nor elderly care workers. They don't get heard in party meetings, they don't get to be nominated for elections - they just don't count. Because caring for people and building a society gets you zero "props" in this country. You have to be a uniformed killler or an ethics-free lawyer or prosecutor in the mass incarceration machine, or an immoral businessman, to win elections in America.

Yep. That's pretty much what is wrong with American in a nutshell.

But have a peep at the Edelman trust barometer and the Pew research polls: annually the US public's trust in the military is dropping. Maybe people's eyes are slowly opening. Maybe there is hope after all.

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Tulsi did not kill people. She saved people. Gabbard served as a specialist with the Medical Company, 29th Support Battalion, 29th Infantry Brigade. She treated and rescued American soldiers wounded in the war. She saw first hand the price paid by normal soldiers in Bush's war of choice. That is why she is so anti-war.

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Aug 26·edited Aug 26Author

Sorry we disagree on this topic. If you were a follower/subscriber, you must have liked some of my work. I am sorry we are not 100% in alignment on all things, but most people know that almost never happens.

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The simple fact that the orange shit plans to dismantle the EPA is enough evil to avoid all by itself.

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Aug 26·edited Aug 27Author

Are you familiar with RFK Jr.'s background? He has been an environmental warrior for his entire career, suing big polluters. I don't know where you live, but people like me who live in the Tri-State Area know that Bobby Kennedy made it possible to swim and even fish in the Hudson River again. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Riverkeepers

I highly doubt he would have joined the Trump campaign if EPA were truly on the chopping block.

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Trump doesn’t even think that climate change is real

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What do you think of Tulsi Gabbard's endorsement of Trump?


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RFK Jr. claimed that a worm took over his brain, did he not? The orange man has a few functional neurons. This formula is recipe for disaster. On the other side, we have KH another dangerous idiot managed by an evil group of ppl as we know it. This is another rendition of a disastrous outcome. I’m voting Jill stein. Tho my friends believe she will endorse KH. I hope she doesn’t.

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No. RFK Jr. said that doctors found a dead parasite in his brain. Kennedy had complained of brain fog and memory loss and was worried because his uncle Teddy had suffered from brain cancer. The neurologists did a scan, found a dark spot, and determined it was a dead parasitic worm. The NY Times did a good story on it if you are interested in learning the truth.


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Thank you for the info. However I’m not interested in anything the NYT says. Although you’re entitled to your opinion regarding Trump and his new acolytes, it seems to me that your goal is to try to persuade people to vote for one of the evils running for “president” and I’m not interested either in supporting a candidate that ought to be in jail.

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I believe that Trump will try to "do a deal" and end the war in Ukraine.That's enough for me. Avoiding WWIII is always a good idea.

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🔴Trumps Zionist ‘Dream Team Formation - Spells Danger.

Anyone believing JFK jr and Tulsi Gabbard’s endorsement of Trump will bring about peace and justice to Palestinians, or even end censorship in the US, need to watch this interview with Vanessa Beeley from 👉 9.09 min


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Aug 29·edited Aug 29Author

I agree with the great Vanessa that "there is not one member of his dream team that is not a staunch supporter of Israel and a genocide denier." There is only one candidate who is opposed to the genocide, and that is my party's candidate, Jill Stein.

I have decided to support Trump instead because I believe that the greatest threat to the planet is the conflict in Ukraine, and the possibility of a nuclear WWIII there is clear and present.

I firmly believe that if the neocon Democrats stay in power, they will not rest until we are in open conflict with Russia. The neocons are ideologues who see it as an existential imperative that the US maintain its hegemonic status by going to all out war with Russia, China and Iran.

Did you not see this?

"US must be ready for simultaneous wars with China, Russia, report says"


"Biden Braces NATO for Long Conflict With Russia, Making Cold War Parallel"


"Biden Approved Secret Nuclear Strategy Refocusing on Chinese Threat"


Biden, Harris, Nuland, Blinken, Sullivan are true believers. Ideologies are dangerous. Ideologues are willing to get us all killed for their ideology.

Trump may be many things, but he is not a neocon, and not an ideologue. I truly believe he will talk to Putin and will try to do what he has promised in ending the war in Ukraine. Trump is transactional: he will try to do a deal, not least because he sees project Ukraine as a creation of his nemesis, Biden. He may be narcissistic and petty, but I don't care as long as we avert nuclear Armageddon.

And if you do not think we are closer to nuclear war than we have ever been since 1962, you are naive or you just have not been listening.

That is enough of a reason for me to support trump.

Now, you can argue that Putin is just bluffing, but do you really want to risk the world on your belief?

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Well, that was , at times, an arrogant and rather insulting reply. I was hoping there would be a debate on this subject - but you’ve obviously ruled that out as an option.

Re : your concerns about a nuclear option being used in the Ukraine - which is a possibility. Well, what about the Samson option threatened by Israel - a country currently committing genocide. Is that not a real possibility too? No, don’t bother replying - you’re incapable of having a comradely debate.

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Sep 2Liked by EuroYankee

Great article- I really appreciate your sharing your honest views that were not previously in favor of Trump. Good for RFK Jr that he can put the good of the Country first! Keep up the great articles!!

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EuroYankee: what is stunning to me is that when you mention the things that Trump intends to do, should he win the election, YOU ACTUALLY BELIEVE HIM!!!!!! He has gained notoriety as one of the most notorious LIARS on the planet. Are you truly that gullibe? Incredible!

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I believe RFK Jr. Did you read the article?

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