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Jul 7
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Indeed, the only "state" which seeks to always assert such a "right" is Israel. They believe they are exceptional, and Zionist philosophy - as well as the greater Israeli hasbarist narrative - rests on the false assertion that the State of Israel is, in fact, the same thing as the Jewish people, and thus perforce anti-Zionism MUST be the same thing as anti-Semitism.

Clever, aren't they?

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A brave article to write - well done, Joe!

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The short answer to your question is YES!!!

Israel was a mistake. Apartheid states can no longer be allowed to exist, much less to have nuclear weapons in their arsenals.

South Africa shows us the way. BDS will come for Israel for the simple reason that most Americans really are decent people and take a dim view of genocidal maniacs. It's 2024, not 1824.

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Do you have a poll on "most Americans"?

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Hi Tobin, I am sorry, I do not understand the question. What would be the subject of the poll that you want to see?

For example, here is a Gallup poll showing "most Americans" (64%) disapprove of Israel's actions in Gaza:


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Thanks! I've been away from the internet a lot lately. It's nice to see someone else bothered to read a poll that's been mostly ignored by the American version of Pravda.

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Thanks. Yes that helps. I was wondering because so many right wing Evangelicals are Zionist cheerleaders. Glad to know they dont reach a majority

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There’s some Pew and/or Gallup polling data from a few months ago. Now, I was just scrolling through more recent news, and here’s something straight out of the horse’s mouth: the reactionary-Zionazi “American Jewish Committee” (which alongside the ADL is historically a right-wing hate group if you look into their record) boasts that the majority of American “Jewry” support the Fourth Reich: https://www.ajc.org/survey2024

So while this doesn’t directly answer your question, just something to think about and remember whenever Zionists lament of “aNtiSemItIsm”—most American (self-identified) “Jews,” or at least the fanatical rightists (which dominate their so-called “Jewish community”), ostensibly support the Holocaust against the Palestinian people.

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When there is no limit to the amount and depth of hate in a person’s heart there is no limit to the ludicrous madness that they will believe and convince themselves of in order to try and justify the hate that has absorbed them

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Biblically, they should never have been there in the first place. It's in opposition to God. However, Israel does translate to wrestle with God or God wrestler. They gotta go. They're terrible neighbors who refuse to love their neighbors.

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Modern Zionism is a creation of Anglo-Masonic Kabbalistic occultism with zero connection to the Bible nor its Mosaic Jewish values. The ancient Jewish nation as a collective “chosen people of God” lost that status permanently in 70 A.D.

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This is an excellent article full of solid facts that every person on the planet should read and digest. If ever there was a time to redraw the borders in the Middle East to how their occupants believe they should be (and not their colonizers) it is today.

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Another excellent article that is well documented. Thank you.

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Hey! This is phenomenal work! Bravo!

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If you would so kindly disposed to give your secret admirers here at Nevermore permission to reprint, we'd happily do so.

Also, I encourage you to check out this piece: https://nevermoremedia.substack.com/p/the-most-cruel-hoax-history-has-ever

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Yes you certainly have my permission!!

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“Israel” has one right: to be deprived of its 77th birthday.

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It can exist as long as it can DEFEND its right to exist. They can’t do that without help : right now that kind of help seems to be hard to come by:

For THEM…..

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No, it has not. What a stupid question. There aer 10 million Israelis dumbass. This is not an extra credit question in jew-hate 101 at Columbia

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10 million Israelis? Really? Still? Have you not seen the scenes at Ben Gurion airport lately? They are leaving by the thousands. It is looking more and more like Israel may simply cease to exist when the Ashkenazi have all gone back to the US and Europe.

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Damn. So much stupidity in one paragraph. Let me try to enlighten.

1. Yes 10 million. Use all your fingers at 1 million a finger. You will probably get there. Awesome, right!

2. Most Israelis are from here and the middle east. About 75%. Your belief that all jews were created in a lab 18 miles west of Warsaw is incorrect. Rather, the jews are indigenous to this land of Israel/Palestine/Judea.

3. The ideas the Israelis are fleeing .... Hilarious. Only the most moronic would believe that (sorry, but true). Why for example would we want to get closer to a mouthbreather like you? In fact, tourism coming back. Airlines coming back. All good here. Come visit, so you can see Israel and the Israelis ain't going nowhere. Am Yisrael Chai.

4. If you were hoping to destroy Israel, what are you gonna do with 10 million Israelis. LOL. Even your fantasies are stupid. Never. Gonna. Happen. Your life is so filled with disappointment already, why add more to the mix. Take up bowling instead.

Finally, free Palestine from Hamas and morons like you.

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For those interested, the Zionists have used the Holocaust as a model for the oppression of Palestinians


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People have a right to exist. A State, any state, does not. So, from my point of view israel never had a right to exist as such in the first place. Nor does the US or Canada or any other State. The State *has no rights and can grant no rights* so why do we even play at the question.

People have a right to exist. States do not.

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Yes, and the fact that it has become a dogmatic mantra among Zionists indicates how phoney the whole thing is. They equate Israel with Jewry, Zionism with Judaism. It's awful. We cannot let them get away with it.

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