Yes, those Bioweapons Labs in Ukraine are a Real Thing
And they are posing a grave threat not just to Ukrainians but to humans everywhere.
On April 11, 2023, MP Irina Yarovaya of the Russian State Duma (Parliament) presented the results of a report prepared by Russia’s Parliamentary “Commission on Investigation into Activities of the US Biological Laboratories in Ukraine”.
Yarovaya, who serves as Deputy Chairwoman of the Duma, is also Co-Chair of the Commission, which was formed in early 2022 to investigate the “military-biological activities” of the USA on the territory of Ukraine.
The Commission’s report, which was issued this week, is as frightening as it is damning.
What the Russians Found
Firstly, it is important to recognise that much of what the Russians have “revealed” are actually not revelations at all — they are facts that the US government has readily admitted, published and documented themselves.
Using open sources, the Russians have compiled a dossier of the participants in US bioweapons programs. These include officials from the U.S. Department of Defense, Pentagon contractors, US biotechnology corporations, Ukrainian government institutions, and private companies.
“A plan of military biological occupation in Ukraine”
In her presentation before the Duma, Yarovaya detailed a litany of charges and accusations against the USA and the Ukrainian government.
“The Kyiv regime helped create more than 50 laboratories where secret research and experiments were conducted on Ukrainian people. As a result of this occupation, Ukraine has become a source of dangerous diseases, including of unknown origin”, she said.
The Role of the Pentagon
For example, it turns out that the fact that the Department of Defense were running these so-called “research” laboratories is not a secret at all. In fact. the DoD even published a “Fact Sheet” in March 2022 that details what they were doing — at a high level anyway:
The Biological Threat Reduction Program (BTRP), part of the Department of Defense’s Cooperative Threat Reduction (CTR) Program, is implemented by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). Since 2005, BTRP has partnered with the Government of Ukraine to support peaceful and safe biological detection and diagnostic capabilities and to reduce the threats posed by pathogens.
Sounds all innocent, doesn’t it?
The United States, through BTRP, has invested approximately $200 million in Ukraine since 2005, supporting 46 Ukrainian laboratories, health facilities, and diagnostic sites.
The US DoD Fact Sheet notes that of the 46 sites, Russia “illegally took possession” of two laboratories. It was from such captured laboratories that Russia gleaned the bulk of the information published in the report.
But the Russians were concerned by evidence of what they deemed to be a hastily organised “cleanup operation” in the facilities.
The Russians discovered that everything these facilities collected on the territory of Ukraine, including biogenetic materials and pathogens, were sent to the Pentagon by “diplomatic pouch” in order to “hide from the people in Ukraine, and in the USA and from the whole world”, what exactly they sent to the Pentagon’s high-tech biological laboratories — and what they received back.
This secrecy, Yarova says, led to a very dangerous situation in Ukraine:
“In fact, Ukraine has become a source of epidemics of measles, tuberculosis and other diseases. Moreover, this made it possible to commit other criminal acts, including to import unregistered medical products and actually test them on the people of Ukraine”.
Preparing to launch operations from Ukraine
In her speech, Yarovaya said that the US had not just set up testing facilities, but had created a “foothold” from which to launch attacks:
“An analysis of all biological medical projects confirmed the conclusion: the Pentagon has created both a testbed and a foothold in Ukraine. A testbed is something that needs to be worked at, something that requires research, tests, experiments. A foothold is actually a preparation for a possible theater of military operations”.
Yarovaya’s conclusion is — again — supported by the US’s own publications:
Documents obtained from the US Federal contracts registry show that USAMRU-G is expanding its activities to other US allies in the region and is “establishing expeditionary capabilities” in Georgia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Latvia, and any future locations.
If you know anything about military terminology, “expeditionary capabilities” means (according to Wikipedia) the ability to conduct “a military invasion of a foreign territory, especially away from established bases”.
Russia’s ongoing “campaign” to get to the truth
The Duma Commission report is simply the latest in a long series of attempts by the Russian Federation to discover what kind of biological WMDs are being developed and prepared for deployment on its borders.
Working within the framework of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC), Russia has presented evidence and asked for clarification from both Ukraine and the United States several times — to no avail.
In October 2022, Russia finally submitted a formal complaint to the UN Security Council calling for an investigation of its claims that the US and Ukraine were in violation of the BTWC. The complaint was very clear in its scope:
Over a long time, the Russian Federation has repeatedly expressed concern over military biological activities carried out with the most direct assistance and participation of the US Department of Defense (DoD) in laboratories in the territories of the former Soviet republics away from the North American continent and close to the Russian borders. Such activities are conducted inter alia indirectly through the Pentagon’s Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) and private companies that are permanent contractors of the US DoD, including “Black & Veatch Special Projects Corp”, “CH2M Hill”, and “Metabiota”¹. This poses a direct threat to biological security of the Russian Federation.
It started with (Senator) Obama
“Over a long time” indeed. It was in 2005 when then Senator Obama visited Ukraine with his colleague, Senator Nunn — of the famous Nunn-Lugar Act of 1991. That Act established a program to fund research in nuclear, chemical and biological weapons under the “official” cover story of trying to eliminate such weapons during the post-Soviet era.
In reality, Nunn-Lugar funded facilities to co-opt and develop soviet biological weapons programs and develop new programs in the ex-Soviet territories — especially Ukraine and Georgia.
Obama and Lugar struck a deal with the corrupt Ukrainian government of Yushchenko and signed an agreement leading to the construction of biolabs handling “especially dangerous pathogens” in Ukraine.
A 2010 article entitled “Biolab Opens in Ukraine” details how Obama, while serving as a US Senator from Illinois, helped negotiate a deal to build a level-3 bio-safety lab in the Ukrainian city of Odessa.
Lugar said plans for the facility began in 2005 when he and then-Senator Barack Obama entered a partnership with Ukrainian officials. Lugar and Obama also helped coordinate efforts between the U.S and Ukrainian researchers that year in an effort to study and help prevent avian flu.
A 2011 report from the U.S. National Academy of Sciences’ Committee on Anticipating Biosecurity Challenges of the Global Expansion of High-Containment Biological Laboratories explained how the Odessa-based laboratory “is responsible for the identification of especially dangerous biological pathogens”.
In one of his presidential speeches, Obama recalls a visit with Lugar to a “remote” Ukrainian lab where workers were showing him small tubes containing Anthrax and other highly dangerous pathogens like PLAGUE:
Live Experiments on Soldiers and Animals
The Russians found out that in these labs, experiments were being run on Ukrainian soldiers. This should not be surprising, as the US has a long and sordid history of running tests on its own citizens— such as the 70,000 US troops who were subjected to dangerous testing during Vietnam or the black sharecroppers who were the subjects of the Tuskegee siphyllis experiments.
Leaked documents have already shown that the Pentagon has conducted biological experiments with a potentially lethal outcome on 4,400 soldiers in Ukraine and 1,000 soldiers in Georgia. According to leaked documents, all volunteer deaths should be reported within 24 h (in Ukraine) and 48 h (in Georgia).
DTRA has allocated $80 million for biological research in Ukraine as of 30 July 2020, according to information obtained from the US Federal contracts registry. Tasked with the program is the US company Black & Veatch Special Projects Corp.
One of these projects is code-named UP-8: The spread of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) virus and hantaviruses in Ukraine and the potential need for differential diagnosis in patients with suspected leptospirosis. The project started in 2017 and was extended few times until 2020, internal documents show.
Experts from the Russian Ministry of Defence analysed 180 blood samples of Ukrainian servicemen undergoing treatment in the facilities that they had occupied. They found that more than 30% of them had got sick or been infected with hepatitis, 14% of them had Crimean-Congo fever, and 21% — West Nile fever.
According to the received information, about 20 Ukrainian soldiers died in the Kharkov laboratory alone, and another 200 were taken to hospitals.
The Duma Commission also found out that secret “veterinary projects” were launched in Ukraine. “The main focus of these projects was economically significant infections that could cause significant damage to the economy of the country and the entire region”, they said.
USA absolved of ALL liability
Since Ukraine is not a member of the EU or NATO, all the US DoD bio research facilities in Ukraine are operated by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) under direct, bilateral agreements. These agreements stipulate that:
“serious incidents, including deaths should be reported within 24 hours. All deaths of study subjects that are suspected or known to be related to the research procedures should be brought to the attention of the bioethics committees in the USA and Ukraine”.
Moreover, according to these agreements, Ukraine shall hold harmless, bring no legal proceedings and indemnify the United States and its personnel, contractors and contractors’ personnel, for damage to property, or death or injury to any persons in Georgia and Ukraine, arising out of activities under this Agreement. If DTRA-sponsored scientists cause deaths or injuries to the local population they cannot be held to account.
Everything is “the responsibility of Ukraine”:
Why would “peaceful” research be so dangerous?
US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland keeps making “gaffes” — which in DC means telling the truth — and thereby exposing the lies of the US government.
While testifying before the US Senate’s foreign relations committee on March 9, 2022, Nuland acknowledged that in Ukraine there were some facilities conducting clandestine biological research and Washington was keen to prevent Russian forces from gaining control of these facilities:
“Ukraine has biological research facilities which, in fact, we’re now quite concerned Russian troops, Russian forces may be seeking to gain control of, so we are working with the Ukrainians on how we can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces should they approach”, Nuland said.
Why would the US government be “quite concerned” about the Russian MILITARY gaining control of these “harmless” biological research facilities?
The “Project for a New American Century” Includes Bioweapons
Founded in 1997 as the premiere “Neoconservative” think tank in Washington, DC, The Project for the New American Century (PNAC) produced a report in 2000 titled, “Rebuilding America’s Defenses”, which contained a radical right wing “Neocon” policy ambition for America.
Their report called itself a “blueprint for maintaining global US preeminence … and shaping the international security order in line with American principles and interests.” The authors were very clear about the role that bioweapons should play in asserting US dominance:
“Advanced forms of biological warfare that can ‘target’ specific genotypes may transform biological warfare … to a politically useful tool.”
In other words: The same US Neocons who promoted invading Iraq also proposed using bioweapons to “target” specific genetic groups — such as Russian Slavs.
Interesting to note: Robert Kagan, infamous American Neocon, Co-Founder of the PNAC and project leader of the report, is the husband of … none other than Victoria Nuland.
If the US biolabs were indeed developing genetically “targeted” bioweapons as her husband proposed, it is no wonder that Victoria Nuland was nervous about them being discovered.
Research facilities run by the Department of Defense — why?
Speaking before the UN Security Council in October 2022, Russia’s Permanent Representative Vassily Nebenzia raised a very basic but logical point:
“There are attempts to convince us that the cooperation of the United States and Ukraine in the biological area is purely peaceful in nature. But will you please answer one simple question? Why is it that from the US side this cooperation is managed by a military authority (the Pentagon) and its numerous contractors?”
Moreover, WHY would the US choose to partner with Ukraine — of all places — to conduct all this biological “research” and not work with any of its “official” partners in the region?
Indeed, WHY choose a country that is so close to Russia, which is so famously corrupt, which is not part of the European Union and not a part of NATO?
Ukraine Labs are not “subject to national authorities”
Irina Yarovaya may have answered the above questions in her Duma speech, when she remarked that the staff of the biological facilities in Ukraine reported directly to the Pentagon, and were thus “not subject to national authorities” in either the USA or Ukraine.
“The USA maintains and develops the facilities for creation of biological weapons components and their possible use in the foreign countries. They are creating and have already actually created a global military biological network and a global military biological reconnaissance for creating biological risks and epidemics and, worst of all, population control”, Yarovaya declared.
Wuhan Lab Leak Just an Example?
After all, we already know of one example of how the US conducts dangerous biological experiments outside of its own borders.
We now know that the recent COVID-19 pandemic was the result of a “lab leak” from US-sponsored research project at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Why would the US sponsor research in China?
In 2014, the Obama Administration issued a moratorium on so-called “gain of function” research on influenza virus and the coronaviruses that cause SARS and MERS. The decision came “following recent biosafety incidents at federal research facilities”, the White House said.
In response to the moratorium on such dangerous research, the NIH, under the direction of Anthony Fauci, moved the research projects offshore to places like Wuhan — and Ukraine.
Weaponising Avian Flu
According to the New York Times, the University of Wisconsin-Madison announced in 2011 that — using gain of function research — they had succeeded in making the lethal H5N1 avian flu easily transmissible between ferrets, which are a model for human susceptibility to flu.
In other words: the breakthrough in weaponising the deadly Avian Flu was announced just one year after Obama and Lugar’s bio research facility in Odessa started experimenting with that deadly pathogen.
Ukraine is perfect for dangerous and/or forbidden bio research
Ukraine presents the perfect place for dangerous bio weapons development. It is obvious why the US DoD started operating all those bio research facilities in Ukraine:
As Russia’s Vassily Nebenzia told the UNSC, the Ukrainian labs are “away from the North American continent and close to the Russian borders”;
Ukraine was “off the books”, not subject to international laws, and so US DoD and government officials and contractors could be completely protected and “held harmless” through bilateral agreements;
Ukraine was “in the pocket” of the US government, as evidenced by the perversely outsized influence wielded over Kiev by US officials such as Senators Lugar, McCain and Obama — as well as then Vice President Joe Biden (and his son);
Gain of function and other forbidden and/or dangerous research could thus be easily conducted in the Ukraine facilities without legal risk to US personnel and without any sort of liability for the US itself.
DTRA bioweapons activities in Ukraine have resumed
On April 7, 2023, the Russian Defense Ministry gave a briefing on their analysis of documents related to US military and biological activities in Ukraine.
The head of the Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Forces (RCBZ) of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, announced that the US had resumed its military biological research program in Ukraine:
“Despite the forced pause pertaining to the Russian special military operation (in Ukraine), (the US’) activities under the program have now been resumed. The main tasks at this stage are to continue the construction of biological laboratories in Ukraine, as well as expand the format for training Ukrainian biologists.”
Kirillov said that, according to the document, the program which was originally referred to as “Joint Biological Research” has been renamed as “Biological Control Research.”
The US, he said, has resumed the program for the construction of biological laboratories in Ukraine and is expanding the format for training Ukrainian biologists.
Conclusion: the US is doing dangerous and illegal bioweapons research in Ukraine
As Irina Yarovaya has correctly expressed it: the United States has effected “a military biological occupation of Ukraine”.
Indeed, the preponderance of evidence overwhelmingly points to a dangerous and lethal program of bioweapons research and development by the US Department of Defense on the territory of Ukraine and using Ukrainian military personnel as test subjects.
This should not be surprising. The current proxy war that the US is prosecuting in Ukraine shows how little regard the US government has for the lives of Ukrainians. The Ukrainian military is nothing but cannon fodder for the DC elites.
And if Washington is willing to send hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers to their deaths on the battlefield, they certainly will not lose sleep over the deaths of Ukrainian soldiers who die of horrible and lethal diseases — as long as it is in pursuit of the US’s goal of inflicting a “strategic defeat” of Russia.
How to Destroy a Nuclear Enemy?
Let us be clear: the United States government, its Deep State, its media and corporate elites ALL consider Russia to be the THE ENEMY.
Decades of Russophobia, combined with a complete and utter disdain for Russian culture, history and civilisation, have put America in a place where nothing short of the complete destruction of Russia as a viable nation will be acceptable.
In fact, what convinces me that these bioweapons programs are real is the fact that the US is so hell-bent on destroying Russia — “by any means necessary”.
I have always wondered what the end game for the US was: how can the US inflict the desired “strategic defeat” on the Russian Federation without risking — or even resorting to — nuclear war?
The answer now seems to be biological warfare.
The Lesson of the 1980's
When we think about using biological weapons, we have to think about literal “blowback”. In other words, how could the US consider releasing bioweapons in Europe when there is a risk that its allies in NATO might also become infected or die from the pathogens released on the Continent?
The answer is: I honestly do not think it is a concern for Washington.
You see, I lived in Germany during the 1980’s — at the height of the Cold War, before the Intermediate Nuclear Forces (INF) arms control treaty was signed. In 1982 I marched in Stuttgart with my German friends to protest the deployment of the Pershing II nuclear missiles in West Germany.
The Pershings were intermediate range missiles designed to counter the Russian SS-20 intermediate range nuclear missiles in the East.
To the Germans it was clear as day: the US and the Russians were getting ready to fight World War Three IN EUROPE. They knew that if nuclear war did break out, their beloved Deutschland would be turned into a sea of glass, while Moscow and Washington would remain unscathed.
I think that the Americans are thinking similarly now with regards to biological warfare.
We KNOW that the US does not care about the safety and well-being of its”allies” in Europe. Look at the results of the sanctions that have de-industrialised Germany and caused massive disruptions to the EU economy. Look at the Nord Stream pipeline sabotage. Europe means NOTHING to the US in terms of humanitarian concerns.
For the US, Europe is an “expendable” group of vassal states that the American government will gladly sacrifice in order to inflict a defeat on Russia.
Ukraine is to be sacrificed on the altar of US hegemony
It should be plain to every observer that the US and NATO are willing to sacrifice Ukraine and Ukrainians in their mad attempt to damage Russia. So far, Ukrainian infrastructure has been destroyed; hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers have died; millions of Ukrainians have been left homeless and destitute as refugees.
Do we really think that the US would hesitate to unleash a biological weapon in the theatre fo war if they thought it could lead to the “strategic defeat” of Russia?
Is there a biological war on the horizon?
The fact that the US has resumed its construction of biological “research” facilities in Ukraine at a time when a major war is raging in that country is a very worrying sign.
As I mentioned above, the Russian State Duma Commission determined that the US had established a “foothold” in Ukraine from which it can launch biological attacks.
The fact that the US is now resuming its biological warfare activities in Ukraine in the midst of a devastating war can only mean that there is a compelling reason to do so.
And that reason may very well be a WMD offensive using deadly pathogens that could cause massive suffering in Russia and in Europe.
But what about International Law?
Use of biological weapons is forbidden by international treaty. I understand that some people might still labour under the misapprehension that international law, treaties and conventions may serve to constrain the actions of the USA.
They would be wrong.
When we look at the USA’s decades long history of illegal coups, invasions, the CIA’s torture program, Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, Iraq, Libya and so on, it is difficult to make the case that the US is in any way beholden to international law.
Remember, the US is a country that has described the Geneva Conventions as “quaint” and “obsolete”.
The US is in the business of breaking international law in favour of its own “rules based order”. The US will not hesitate to use biological WMD if it believes such use will serve its strategic objectives.
How can the US justify the use of biological WMD?
This is almost laughably easy to explain. The US is in a position to promulgate all manner of false flag narratives through the global mainstream media and the mouthpieces of its allied “vassals”.
Look at the false flag “chemical attacks” in Syria: the OPCW was completely perverted and corrupted by US interests in order to accuse the Assad government of using chemical WMD. This story has since been debunked, and we now know that it was the US-allied “rebels” who used gas in Douma. But that doesn’t matter now. For years, the official narrative was that “Assad gassed his own people”.
The US would use a similar “false flag” tactic in Ukraine, accusing the Russians of using biological WMD.
Now, I may be wrong …
… and I hope to God that I am. But if there is an outbreak of some exotic and deadly disease in Ukraine and Russia, you should know what is really going on.
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